Scorpius closed his eyes, loving the feel of her lips against his skin, ‘I... I don’t want to see him, Amelia. I mean, after everything that happened with your parents and him. With your mother and my father, I... God, this is going to be a nightmare!’

‘It’ll be fine,’ Amelia reassured him, tilting her head up a little to kiss his lips.

Scorpius responded to the kiss, moving his hand to her waist as he pulled her closer. It’ll be fine? Of course it wouldn’t be fine. Draco would come back for the wedding and what then? He would peacefully watch his son get married and ignore the love of his life who just so happened to be his fiancé’s mother?

No, Draco was relentless.

‘Stop it. Stop worrying,’ Amelia frowned, pulling back to look at him, ‘just have trust in me. Everything will go just as we want it to go. It’s our wedding, Scorp.’

Scorpius forced himself to calm down and nodded, ‘okay... we’d better shower and go downstairs then.’

Amelia smiled and kissed his lips briefly, ‘I’ll shower first!’


James sat by the fire with Louis, playing a game of chess that had started an hour before. The fire was doing a pretty good job of warming all of them up but Amelia still felt as though her family was cold and distant towards her.

Amelia could feel the awkwardness radiating from Scorpius as he sat beside her in complete silence. His back was stiff as he kept eye contact with Fred. Amelia ran a hand through her hair, crossing her legs. She wished they would stop staring at each other and the fury over a Weasley-Malfoy engagement would just die down.

She was happy and that was all that mattered, right?

‘Thank you for my present, Dad,’ Amelia smiled, wanting to say something to break this awkwardness.  

‘You’re welcome,’ Fred muttered and finally broke his gaze away from Scorpius, turning to Hermione instead and quietly talking to her.

Amelia entwined their fingers, wanting Scorpius to relax with her family but she knew that was a long shot. Instead, she cuddled up on the sofa with him and looked at his face, ‘how did I end up with someone as sexy as you?’

‘How? Are you really asking that?’ Scorpius raised his eyebrows, ‘I’m pretty sure someone could write a book on the events that lead to this moment right now. Including everything that happened with my father and your mother.’

‘It would be pretty interesting to read,’ Amelia nodded, with a chuckle, ‘maybe I should write it and you can co-write it with me! We’ll make millions! We can start from the second wizarding war, when my Mum and Dad got together and made me and everything that happened until right now.’

‘Sounds like a plan,’ Scorpius chuckled, looking down at her, ‘I love you so much, Amelia.’

‘Love you too,’ Amelia grinned up at him.

‘Amelia, we need to talk,’ Fred said, suddenly standing up.

Amelia pulled away from Scorpius quickly and stood up. Scorpius was on his feet a second later, wanting to be included in the conversation. Fred looked at Scorpius for a minute before walking out of the room with Hermione going behind him, leading Amelia and Scorpius out too.

Amelia squeezed Scorpius’ hand gently, ‘stay calm, please.’

Scorpius just rolled his eyes at her.

Fred sat down on the rickety old table, his hand going to his head as though he had a headache pulsing through his brain. Hermione took the seat next to him and glanced at Fred briefly before looking at her daughter, her eyes darting to the ring on her finger.

‘So... what are we going to argue about now?’ Amelia sighed, taking a seat and pulling Scorpius to sit down too. She kept a hold of his hand.

‘Getting married is so stupid, Amelia!’ Fred blurted out, lifting his head to look at her, ‘you’re a child!’

‘I’m nineteen,’ Amelia murmured, not wanting to fight with Fred but he made it so hard to keep calm. She was not a child and she was perfectly capable of making her own decisions. All she could say was, ‘I’m going to be twenty in February, Dad.’

‘You’re my little girl,’ Fred’s voice dropped so that he wasn’t yelling but instead, he pleaded with her, ‘please, think about this.’

‘About what? I love him and we are engaged, nothing you can say is going to change that,’ Amelia frowned, her fingers fidgeting in Scorpius’ hand, ‘and I wish you were okay with this because I love you, Dad... and I need you to support me through this.’

‘I support you,’ Hermione muttered, looking at Amelia.

Fred turned to glare at her, ‘of course you support her now! You and Draco have always been-’

‘This isn’t about that, Fred!’ Hermione frowned at him.

Fred stood up suddenly and went over to get himself a glass of water, shaking his head, ‘oh, really? Who was the one who suggested we talk to Draco and go over to where he’s living and-’

‘And talk to him about our daughter wanting to marry his son? Yes, Fred, I did suggest that,’ Hermione shook her head, feeling annoyed at his stupid jealousy, ‘he’s involved in this eventual wedding so yes, we will interact with him. Get over your jealousy!’

‘I have a reason for my jealousy!’ Fred yelled at her.

Amelia jumped at the sound of her father’s yelling; she had heard it before but hated the sound since Fred usually tried not to yell in front of her. But then again, she wasn’t an impressionable child anymore so he didn’t have to hold back. Amelia felt her palm get sweaty and realised that it was Scorpius’ hand. She glanced at him to see his eyes wide and his face whiter than usual as though he had just seen a ghost.

‘You’re... going to get in touch with... with my father?’ Scorpius choked out.

The ghost of his father, maybe, Amelia thought, knowing it would be hard for him to see Draco again when he had basically told him to stay away from him.

‘Yes, Scorpius,’ Hermione said, her back straight and her eyes fixed on his, ‘we have to, don’t we?’

‘Or we could just not go to the wedding,’ Fred grumbled from the sink.

‘You don’t want to go to your own daughter’s wedding?’ Hermione frowned at him, ‘Fred, please stop that. Get over your differences.’

‘I want to see Amelia get married to someone... normal,’ Fred glanced at Scorpius with a frown.

Scorpius was still in shock of thinking about meeting his father again so he didn’t notice the look Fred gave him which Amelia was thankful for. She frowned at her father but the idea of Draco Malfoy coming back into their lives with his sleazy remarks and harassing her mother didn’t seem so appealing to her either.

‘Enough,’ Hermione stood up, ‘I’ll try and get in touch with him and we can go to see him.’

Amelia squeezed Scorpius’ hand and he glanced at her, realising that his face was still looking shocked. He tried to calm down, staring at her eyes to help him do so. He then leaned forwards to kiss her lips; making Amelia blush whilst Fred fumed, hurrying out of the room after Hermione.


A/N - Are you guys excited for Draco? Remember sexy Draco with the flirting with Hermione and fighting with Fred? Mwahahha.

Please vote and comment. 

P.S. I'm having a tough time remembering facts from IFFY and NGU. :( It's been so long and everything is such a blur. All I remember is that I have had so much fun writing both stories :D

Sequel to I'll Fight for You and Never Give UpWhere stories live. Discover now