Chapter Two

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Amelia woke with a start, feeling something cold pressed against her bare legs. Her eyes opened suddenly, making a bolt of pain shoot through her head at the sudden level of brightness. She let her eyes close briefly before opening them again, this time a little more successfully.

She glanced down at herself, fixing her white tank top and pulling down her pyjama trousers. Scorpius’ freezing feet were pressed against her leg as he snored softly, still sleeping. A smile lit her face and she moved over to hug him.

‘Merry Christmas, Scorpius,’ Amelia murmured softly and pressed a kiss onto his forehead.

What she had expected from him was a slight smile or for him to start waking up or even a louder snore. What she hadn’t expected was his eyes to open suddenly and for him to jerk away as though he had been electrocuted. His grey eyes jumped around, as though finding the source of his sudden wakening. When they landed on Amelia, her eyes wide, he frowned.

‘What are you doing?’ Scorpius asked, running a hand through his hair.

‘I was kissing your forehead and saying Merry Christmas when you freaked out,’ Amelia shook her head and sat up. She rolled her eyes as his gaze dropped a little lower, ‘not now, Scorp.’

‘But it’s Christmas,’ Scorpius said, pouting with his lips jutting out and his grey eyes wide.

Amelia let out a single chuckle, ‘okay, maybe tonight? I’m pretty sure everyone has probably opened their presents hours ago. James and the others usually wake up really early on Christmas.’

Scorpius nodded slowly and lay back, watching her climb out of bed. He put his hands behind his head and murmured, ‘why didn’t you wake up early too?’

Amelia rooted around in their big trunk to get out clothes for him and for herself, thinking of all the other Christmases that she had shared with James and the others. Sure, there had been some with only her parents but even then she would get up as early as she could and force them to get up too just so they could open presents.

Even though, Mr Weasley was against the fact that Amelia was an illegitimate child, she still enjoyed spending Christmas in the burrow. The music, laughter, presents, family... everything was so enjoyable. But now, she hadn’t bothered to wake up early because...

‘They probably don’t want me around when they’re all opening presents and having fun,’ Amelia said, quietly.

Scorpius sighed, ‘they’re your family, Amelia. Of course they’ll want you around. Plus, it’s Christmas.’

‘Don’t you talk to me about family, Mister,’ Amelia said, getting up and coming over to sit down next to where he was lying. She put her hand on his chest and raised her eyebrows, ‘when are we going to tell your father about our engagement?’

‘Hmm, let me think about that,’ Scorpius rolled his perfectly grey eyes and stared at her, ‘never seems like a good option. Does that work for you?’

‘No!’ Amelia prodded him.

Scorpius rubbed his stomach where she had prodded him and just shook his head, ‘I need to take a shower.’

‘So do I.’

‘Want to save water and shower together?’ Scorpius asked with a smirk, ‘you know, for the environment.’

‘You won’t walk two extra steps to recycle paper but of course, you care so much about the environment,’ Amelia rolled her eyes and leaned down to kiss his lips, ‘I’m taking a shower first and then you can take a shower.’

‘But... saving water,’ Scorpius sighed.

Amelia kissed along his jaw and murmured, ‘did you have a bad dream or something?’

Sequel to I'll Fight for You and Never Give UpWhere stories live. Discover now