1- Asra

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A flash of blinding light that left white clouding my vision, followed by a crash of an indiscernible sound, ringing and resonating in my ears. Eyes struggled to open, torn between basking in the uncertainty of the dream world, and pushing the door of consciousness to break through to reality.

The battle between the two choices raged on, as the noises grew into a cacophony; indistinguishable and the white seared into my brain. Discomfort racked my body as flashing imagery passed like a movie reel, indecipherable as I tried to make head or toe of what was happening.

A headache began to grow as I, fully aware that I was fighting to wake up from the remnants of my nightmare, tried once more to force myself to open my eyes.

"My love," a soft whisper sounded in my dream-like state, echoing and bouncing off the edge of sanity.

Perhaps my muscles tried to contract? I could sense attempting to wake up, but my body was in limbo. The feeling could've been in my head, for all I know. Still, I tried to break the boundary as much as I could by repeating that this wasn't in any way real; that nothing was actually happening.

A small voice, sounding as though it were miles away, tried calling my name, but the phonetics disappeared into thin mist in my head.

The rapidly changing noises broke out into a crescendo that nearly had me sobbing in despair as my eardrums tingled, the light blazing further as I could almost feel my eyes disintegrating, and then...


The white that had me nearly gouging my eyes out had completely vanished without a single trace, and I regained that buzzing feeling in my muscles; they were finally responding. Opening my eyes, which felt significantly heavier, was no longer impossible, and only required a struggle of a few seconds.

Having managed to finally break my consciousness, blinking away the remnants of sleep, I could finally see the owner of the soft voice that had tried to help.

The gentlest deep purple eyes softly stared into mine, framed by delicate white lashes that caught the sun that shimmered along the bed. His hair was sticking out in odd angles and loops, the curls sticking to his cheek against the pillow, and his plump lips were pulled into a tender smile that rivaled an angel's.

"Asra," I croaked out, throat parched from the disturbing sleep, as the most beautiful person I'd ever stumbled upon began to brush his fingers against my forehead.

"Yes, darling?" he cooed in a low voice, indicating that he was fully aware of the reason behind my restlessness, one of his hands somehow getting entangled in my hair while the other clutched my hand in his firmly yet so lovingly.

"Please," I let out a strained breath, trying to clear the frantic noises from my memory, "Come closer."

Bronze skin showed even further, sheets crumpling as he shimmied my way, till there was no more than 10 centimeters between us.

The hand that warmed my entire arm slowly lifted my hand up, Asra's earnest eyes still blinking innocently up at me. Soundlessly, he brought it to rest on his chest.

It didn't seem like much, but feeling his warmth seeping through my fingers, the gentle rise and fall of his chest and the thumping of his heart against my knuckles, so in time with my own heart, had waves of calm washing over me.

Like a small child, I could only let my emotions swallow me whole as his simple gesture brought peace to me like no other.

Managing to murmur out, "I love you," he gave a small nod of understanding, giving me the freedom to let my eyes shut on their own accord.

In seconds flat, my own breathing seemed to synchronize with his, and I could feel my consciousness slip away once more. But this time, with warmth engulfing me both literally and figuratively, I welcomed sleep with open arms as I lay beside the love of my life.


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