"Fine, I'll try my hardest." She paused, standing up and holding a hand out for me to pull me up to. I dusted off the invisible dirt off my dress before she started speaking again. "So, you're soulmates with the Opera Ghost. You should not let that get out or people will think something entirely different."

"They won't think that if he's my soulmate."

"Yeah, that'll give them more of a reason to think that."

"Let's get to rehearsal." 

We walked down the hallway, a different conversation flowing from our lips as to not let anything slip. As we rounded the corner, I could hear Carlotta screeching the aria. Confused, I looked over at Meg to see if she knew something, but she looked just as confused as me.

We peeked through the curtains to see Carlotta, finished with the song, yelling something in Italian to the managers. She stormed off stage, shoving me in the shoulder as she passed. Everyone started to file back onto the stage and watched as the manager's argued, but not able to pick up any points of conversation.

"Christine," I heard from the audience, I looked and there standing next to the managers, was Raoul who was rushing up to the stage. I sighed and rolled my eyes subtly before turning to him as he approached and putting on a fake smile.  "Where did you go last night, I went back to your room and you weren't there."

"I just uh-"a lie, I need a lie, why is my brain blanking out, I need a lie!

"I searched the Opera House, asking around for you, but nobody had seen you leave. I thought for a second you finished getting ready so you went out to wait for me, but when I checked you weren't there either."

"I-uh-I went out to –uh, tell my father."

"I thought you said your father was dead. Christine why are you lying to me." He said, trying to be intimidating, but really coming off as a lost puppy.

"I am not lying," I said, sticking my nose up. "I went to his grave. I like to speak to him from time to time to keep him to track with my life. It's cathartic for me, like he's still here with me."

"Oh," he said, looking a little embarrassed.

"Now if you don't mind, I have to get back to practice." I said, trying to get out of further questioning.

"Mademoiselle Daee, a word please." Thank god for this, easy escape. I walked down the steps to meet the managers half way.

"We've decided that after tonight's performance, which is the last, you will not be the Prima Dona for La Carlotta has decided to return to us." They said with grim faces. This was not good, if there's one thing I do know about Erik, it's that he will not take nicely to this.

"Okay," I said calmly, then walked away, letting them deal with the after math of their actions, however, I do know this day will end with a talk from him.

Okay, that's it, that's all she has to say about this, Okay? No, this won't do. That screeching cow will never outshine my Christine, nor will I let her take that place back. They will all pay for taking Christine out of the spot light.

I turned and left where I was hidden in the shadows in box five, making sure that my footsteps were heard throughout the room. As I left I could hear whispers that the Phantom was there and the managers calling them insane in the nicest way possible. 

I walked to through the walls that lead to La Carlotta's room, hoping to catch her there alone. Luck was in my favor because it was just her and Piangi, who I don't mind striking fear into either, it makes him sing better.

"You'll regret that" I said through the wall. Instantly the two shut up, looks of horror written across their faces.

"Regret what, what are we going to regret?" Piangi whispered to Carlotta.

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