Chapter Twenty-Two: Board Games & Investigation

Start from the beginning

As she stood up from her seat, proud of her choices, her sister laughed with arrogance.

Yang: Pretty sneaky, sis, but you just activated my trap card!

Placing down a card of a giant Nevermore, Yang watched as Ruby expressed her horror at it.

Yang: Giant Nevermore! If I roll a seven or higher, fatal feathers will slice your fleet in two!

Ruby: But... if you roll a six or lower, the Nevermore will turn on your own forces!

Yang: That's just the chances I'm willing to take!

Beside them, team JNPR sat around on oversized couches, three of them studying while Nora had already succumbed to sleep. While doing so, the screams of Ruby and Yang were heard as they continued their turns.

Yang: Oh? And what's this? The smugglers of Windows Path!?

Ruby: Bah! Bah, I say!

Yang: I say, it lookslike I'm taking two cards in my hand.

Ruby: Have you no heart? Noooo!

Yang: Well, that was fun. Weiss, your turn.

Weiss and the Tenno both looked back at one another in confusion before responding.

Weiss: We have... absolutely no idea what's going on.

Hearing that, Yang slid herself in between Ryoma and Weiss, detaching the two as she wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

Ryoma: Huh?

Ryoma: What the-?

Yang: Look, it's easy! You're playing as Vacuo which means that all Vacuo-based cards come with a bonus.

Weiss: That sounds dumb.

Yang: See, you've got Sandstorm, Desert Scavenge... Oh, oh! Resourceful Raider! See, now you can take Ruby's discarded Air Fleet...

Ruby: Nooo!

Yang: ...and put it in your hand!

Weiss: Okay?

Yang: And since Vacuo warriors have an endurance against Natural-based hazards, you can use Sandstorm to disable my ground forces and simultaneously infiltrate my kingdom!

To their confusion, Yang slid back to her spot and pointed at Weiss.

Yang: Just know that I will not forget this declaration of war.

Ryoma: I umm....what?

Weiss: And that means...

Ruby: You're just three moves away from conquering Remnant!

Weiss: Y-Yes!

Ryoma: I'm sorry, what?

Weiss: Fear the almighty power of my forces!

Ryoma: Is it really that easy to-?

Weiss: Cower as they pillage your homes and weep as they take your children from your very arms! Mwa-hahahaha!

Ryoma: (-_-)

Weiss: ...What?

Ryoma: .....

Weiss: Oh! Umm... sorry about that... just cower in fear under my power!

Yang: Trap card.

Seeing Yang hold up a card, Weiss watched as she rebuffed the board, speaking as she finished.

Yang: Your armies have been destroyed.

In response to it, Weiss slumped back in her chair and pouted.

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