Chapter Twenty (FINAL)

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Jake's POV

I got off the plane and looked around. I havent been here six years. After everything happened with Colby i decided to leave LA, it hurt Brennen alot but its what i needed. We only talked once in a while, but Tara on the other hand, we talked every day. She supported my idea of leaving. Oh and did i mention i have a boyfriend? He is really sweet, his name is Griffin. Alot has changed since i left. I now have a YouTube channel. I heard Tara scream my name and i turned around and hugged her. "I missed you brother" he said as i chuckled "Tara i want you to meet my boyfriend Griffin" she smiled at him and shook his hand.

"So what all has happened since i left" she sighed. "Brennen became a big youtuber and became close to Colby. They are basically inseparable. Crazy right?" I nodded "they moved out of the trap house and now live on their own." She turned into a restaurant. "Im hungry, my treat." We got out of the car and walked inside, i looked at Tara "they really updated Tender Greens huh?" She nodded before sitting down at a table, i sat across from her and we talked for a while. "Oh shit lets leave" i gave her a confused look before seeing Colby and Brennen. "Jake?!" Brennen said coming up to me, i smiled slightly and hugged him "nice to see you Brennen" he looked at Tara and smiled "why are you back here?" I smiled slightly and looked down "i moved back, i guess there is no place like home" i looked behind him at Colby "hi Colby how are you?" He looked at me shocked "i didnt think you would talk to me" i smiled "i like to put things in the past" i saw Griffin stand up and touch my arm "ill be back" i nodded at him and Brennen looked at me "who is that?" I bit my lip looking down. "That would be my boyfriend.." Tara cleared her throat and stood up "do i not get a hello?" Brennen hugged her and smiled we all sat down. "So Jake how have you been?" I smiled slightly at Brennen "i have been okay.. definitely missed LA." Brennen nodded "have you got clean?" I smiled and showed my arms "some of the scars are going away" Brennen smiled and looked at Colby "let me see my camera" Colby looked at him "bitch this is my camera, fuck off" Brennen looked at me "isnt he rude?" I laughed as colby flipped him off. I watched as griffin sat down "nice hickey." He looked at me and walked away, i sat back in my seat as Colby looked at me "do you want me to fuck him up?" I smiled at him "no its fine he does that alot. You see Griffin isnt gay, he is using me to get to girls" all three of them looked shocked "and you are okay with that?" Colby said shocked. I shook my head "i basically just ended things right there so its fine" Colby sighed "you dont deserve that" i gave him a weird look as Tara layed her head on my shoulder "i missed you Jakey" i smiled at her "so is the group back together?" Brennen said smiling "define group?" I looked at Colby as i said that. God he got so much more attractive. Brennen looked at Colby and looked at me "how about we leave you two to talk about things?" Tara nodded before leaving with Brennen. Colby cleared his throat and looked at me "Jake im really sorry about everything i did to you, i think about it every day and it kills me" i looked at him shocked "Colby its been 7 years" he nodded "i know and i havent dated anyone since then.. ive only had one night stands.." i looked at him confused "you havent dated anyone? Why?" He cleared his throat again before gently biting his thumb "i havent met anyone i loved since you..." i felt butterflies in my stomach and i stared at him "i know you hate me and i ruined your life but i am genuinely sorry. So so very sorry." I looked down at his lips before looking back up "i was not expecting that.." he looked at me sadly "i mean every word Jake, i really love you and i never stopped." I leaned forward and kissed him gently before sitting back again "wow i forgot how soft your lips are.." i smiled at him "i forgive you Colby, i forgave you years ago" He smiled. "Does this mean i can get a second chance? I swear i wont fuck up this time" i smiled at him "yes you get a second chance" he grabbed my face a kissed me deeply.

I definitely missed this feeling. I grabbed his face and kissed him back passionately before hearing Brennen and Tara cheering and high fiving. I pulled away laughing, and Colby looked over at them laughing as well.

Everything feels whole again.

My Saviour~Colby Brock/Jake WebberOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora