Chapter Four

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No one's  POV

Colby watched as Jake ran out of the house seemingly upset. He walked towards the door only to be stopped by Xepher "hey baby" she said smiling. "What did you say to him" Colby said sounding pissed, his hands were clenched into fists and his jaw was tight. "I just told him the truth baby" she said smiling, he pushed her out of the way and walked outside to see Jake having a panic attack and Brennen trying to calm him down. Brennen looked over and saw Colby before moving out of the way. "Jake look at me please" he said in the softest voice Jake has ever heard, he looked up and met Colbys piercing blue eyes. Colby held Jakes face softly in his hands while wiping his tears "i dont know what Xepher said to you but it was probably something awful. Jake when i saw you walk into this house my eyes were on you and only you" Colby said trying not to cry. Jakes beautiful brown eyes glistening with tears were staring straight into Colbys ocean blue ones, Colby leaned in and kissed him softly "Jake i want to take you on a date some time" he nodded softly as Colby wiped his tears "id love to.." Jake said softy and quietly. Colby looked at Brennen "do you guys have a ride home?" Jake shook his head and Brennen said no. Colby grabbed his keys and helped me up "let me drive you guys home, its the least i could do" he led Jake and Brennen to his car before opening the door for Jake and getting into the drivers seat. Colby drove to Brennen's house using the directions that he was given. They got out of the car and thanked Colby, before Jake went inside he yelled "hey wait! Jake, can i get your number?" Jake walked over to Colby and wrote his number in his phone and Colby did the same. He drove off and back to the party.

Colby- this party is lame now that you arent here 💔

Jake- thats very sweet to say for someone claiming to be a bad boy😊

Colby- i couldnt be mean to you in anyway, you just do something to me i guess

Jake- if i didnt know any better i would think you are hitting on me 🤔

Colby- damn ive been figured out ☹

Jake- you are adorable 👀

Colby- and you are cute, attractive, sweet, did i mention attractive? I dont think i mentioned that

Jake- i think you did mention that

Jake smiled at his phone as him and Colby kept texting

Colby- can i ask you a serious question?

Jake- of course you can, what is it?

Colby- while i was comforting you outside i noticed that your arms were wrapped up.. why?

Jake- oh... um i have depression and it makes me do bad things to myself...

Colby started crying while reading the text
Colby- please dont do it anymore... please? For me?

Jake- i can try... im sorry

Colby- Jake you dont ever have to apologize to me. But you can go on a date with me tomorrow?

Jake- id love to what time?

Colby- ill pick you up at 6:00

Jake- sounds perfect, ill see you tomorrow but for now im going to get some sleep im exhausted

Colby- goodnight cutie😘💙

Jake- goodnight💜

Colby smiles and puts his phone on his nightstand next to his bed. He then gets up and locks his door before putting headphones in a drifting off to sleep thinking about the cotton candy haired boy.

My Saviour~Colby Brock/Jake WebberWhere stories live. Discover now