Chapter Thirteen

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Jake's POV

I yawned softly, its been two weeks since i got sick and i hadn't seen Colby for a while. I figured he was busy setting up for the party tonight, i was waiting for Brennen to get ready. We were already late, i saw Brennen walk out of his room "alright lets go" i rolled my eyes. He has a girlfriend now so he had to look great for her, we walked to the car before getting in. "Are you happy to see Colby for the first time in two weeks?" I hummed and smiled "very" we pulled into the driveway and i got really excited.

We walked inside and there was no sign of Colby so i decided to check his room, as i walked closer i heard moving coming from inside. I didnt knock but i opened the door seeing Colby on his back with some guy on top of him "wow. Just wow." I shook my head as i walked out the door ignoring Colby yelling for me. I didnt realize i was crying, it hurt so much, Sam saw me crying and came up to me "whoa hey are you okay?" I shook my head "no im not.. i just saw Colby cheating on me" i said while i was crying, Sam looked shocked. "Colby cheated on you? Why would he do that" i shrugged and cried harder. Sam looked at me sadly before helping me up and grabbing his car keys "ill take you home, okay?" I nodded as Colby came running down the stairs, i looked at him with no emotions "Colby he doesnt want to talk to you." Sam said madly before walking me outside, Colby followed us "just let me explain, please" he sounded hurt. I shook my head before getting in Sams car as he drove away, i sat there in disbelief, how could he do this. I thought he loved me, i guess i was wrong. I thanked Sam before walking inside, i looked at my phone to see 3 missed calls and 6 unread messages from Colby, i turned off my phone and went into the bathroom. I searched the drawers until i found a small container.


I sighed and turned the shower on, i felt stupid that i believed him when he said he loved me. I stripped before getting into the shower and sitting down, i took the razor out of its container and putting it to my wrist. I bit my lip before dragging it across my skin, i sighed and layed my head back against the wall, i havent felt this in a while. It stung but i got used to it quickly, i kept going cut after cut, each cut for every lie he told me. There was blood all over the bottom of the shower but i didnt mind, i sat there with my arms bleeding alot. Non stop blood was coming out and i just sat there. No more tears left to cry, i only felt the emptiness of my chest that was once filled with happiness and laughter, i had no more emotions left to show. I heard a knock on the front door but i didnt have the energy to go open it, i was so tired. I heard his voice yell from outside "Jake please just hear what i have to say. Please" i sighed and attempted to grab my razor again but i could barely move, i felt the warm water on my body and it made the cuts sting as it hit them. This was a familiar situation, i could hear all the noises ringing in my ears as the dogs barked, i couldn't move. Suddenly i hear sirens going off and it gave me the energy to get up and wrap my arms, i put on a hoodie and sweatpants. I opened the door as i heard a knock "how can i help you officer?" I looked at him blankly, he looked around "we got a phone call of someone worried that someone in this house was trying to hurt themselves." I shook my head. "I guess they gave you the wrong address as you can see im fine." But i wasnt fine, i was broken, i had barely any energy. The officer nodded his head before leaving, i picked up my phone and turned it on. I was about to close the door before i saw Colby, i looked at him in anger before slamming the door closed and locking it. I heard Colby from the other side "Jake please let me tell you what happened" i slid down the door "i know what happened, you fucked some dude. Its fine, go be with him. I obviously couldnt make you happy enough" i heard him start crying before i heard him punch the brick wall of the house. I looked outside the window to see him sitting on the sidewalk in front of the house, blood dripping from his hand. I wanted to go out there but i couldnt, i cant give in to what he did to me. He hurt me so badly, he was my first and only love, he was my first kiss, he took my virginity, i sighed as tears slipped down my eyes.

I went to my room and locked my door before laying on my bed. I heard the front door unlock and footsteps coming in, i heard Lisa talking to someone, i think it was Colby. "Jake honey can you open the door?" I heard her say softly while knocking on it. It took all my energy to get up and unlock the door, i went back to my bed and saw the door open, she looked at me sadly "honey can i please see your arms" i shook my head before i started crying again, she pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back. "Im sorry Jake, i wish i knew how it felt to be in your shoes right now, but i think it would be a good idea to talk to him with me there" i slowly nodded my head "okay.. but only if you are there" she kept rubbing my back "come on he's in the kitchen. I had to wrap his hand up" she helped me out of bed and noticed the little engery i had, i felt her stop walking and she gently took my arms and pulling up my sleeve revealing the fresh wrap over my arms, she sighed and pulled me into a hug. "How long have you been doing that?" I wiped the tears from my eyes "since i was 15" i looked down. She looked at me sadly before helping me stand up.

She helped me walk to the kitchen and sat me on a chair before i passed out. "Jake honey you need to stay awake and listen to what he has to say okay?" I nodded softly before looking over and seeing Colby sitting opposite of me drinking hot chocolate while he was shaking and his eyes all puffy. I saw Lisa bring me a mug "can you lift it without hurting yourself more?" I nodded slightly grabbing the mug. "Jake.. im so sorry.." Colby said tearing up, i heard a small voice inside my head say that he was lying. I just stared at him emotionless, i sipped my hot chocolate and looked at Lisa "where is Brennen" she sighed "he is staying with a friend tonight" i nodded softly before looking at Colby again. I dont know how i feel anymore.

I feel like i lost my home.

My Saviour~Colby Brock/Jake WebberOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora