Chapter 44: Ultimate Recruitment Ends

Start from the beginning

"But you're not gonna last for long," a teenage male voice said and made a gesture that cleared the fog away. He had a bowl haircut, small yet sharp eyes, brown pupil, a bit chubby cheeks and belly, partially muscular arms and thighs, and was wearing a long blue vest with a golden circular pattern on the center of the front and back, a golden rope tied around between his stomach and chest, a large bamboo frame hat, and a shoe made of straw. He was in a pose that he made the gesture of swishing his arm to his side to clear the fog. His sleeve went down to his waist although his hand was on a level a bit lower than his shoulder. "Name is Harokau. Looks like you've captured everyone but me," he said as he placed and locked his hands in front of him. "You're not going to get me that easy, chief and her servant."

"I don't know who you are, but we're just here to help you," Moana said. "We are on your side. We are also against Kapu'uila. We're going to take you to him and-"

"NO!" Harokau screamed as he controlled the branches of trees around him to capture Moana and Maui, but thanks to their advanced reflexes, they were able to dodge Harokau's attacks before he got to trap them. "DON'T YOU DARE TAKE ME TO HIM!"

"We're just trying to help!" Moana said.

"LIES!" He screamed as he attempted to whip them with the branches and roots, but their reflexes helped them avoid the whipping. 

"We're going to set things right with him!" Maui joined the persuasion. "Just come follow us and we'll make him break the curse!"

"I like the way I'm right now," Harokau said. "No one is going to change me nor bring me back to the past. Both of you will have to back up on this one."

"We're not giving up when we're so close!" Moana said. 

"Try me," Harokau said as he went ballistic with the branches, roots, and every part of the trees that he controlled. Although Moana and Maui were able to avoid all the attack, there were still not able to reach him because they were getting farther from him as their reflexes involuntarily stepped far from Harokau as they dodged his attacks. 

I can't reach him at this rate! Moana said as her body kept dodging the attacks. But also at the same time, if I do get hit, he will give me too much damage...

If only I can overcome the reflexes, Maui thought. He transformed into a beetle to reduce his size so that Harokau can barely see him. With the uncontrollably moving branches and Moana, Harokau missed flying Maui-beetle in his sight. As Maui got close, he transformed back into a human and kicked Harokau hard that he flew back, making him stop controlling the branches as he fell on his side, showing his back to Moana.

Moana quickly ran towards Harokau to seal him, but then his reflexes were also advanced that he turned himself toward Moana and controlled the branches to capture her. Moana's reflexes helped her dodge all the attacks, but once again, her reflexes made her step away farther away from him. He sent her far away from him as he can so that he can confront Maui. 

Harokau was finally able to catch Maui beetle in his sight and focused on attacking Maui. His reflexes also made him dodge all the incoming branches. Maui then had a different strategy: he transformed into a human, chopped off the branches, turn back into a beetle, then transform into a human again, chop off the branches again, and repeat the whole process. 

As Harokau started to run out of branches and roots, he also came up with a different strategy: he transformed into a large, creepy-looking tree. It grew taller than any other trees on the island, even taller than palm trees. The eyes and the mouth were cut into the shape, showing complete darkness inside the tree through those holes. The face on the tree looked like one of the demons that Moana and Maui witnessed at Reigna. Their eyes were widened as Harokau turned into a demonic tree. "Let's see how you weeds can try this!" Harokau roared as he blew out a storm of leaves, repeatedly thrust with his branches, and consecutively whipped with his vines. 

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