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     Adrien's POV
"Father please!!," I tried to reason with my father.
"I won't be there for long and besides, it's just a school dance."
" I said no Adrien. I don't understand why you want to be at a stupid school dance anyway. You have to model my new winter line and I will not be rescheduling the date," my father replied very sternly, with a tone of finality.
"But Father e-," I tried to argue but to no avail.
"Good night and good riddance Adrien." And with that he let his office and headed for his room.

I headed back to my room as well. Why does the universe hate me? My father has to be the most inconsiderate being on Earth. I just want to be a part of school culture and my dad won't let me!! Sometimes I feel as if the only reason I was born was to be a model for my father. A rather sad birth.

Just then someone knocked on my door. I assume it's Nathalie.
"Come in", I call.  
Sure enough, Nathalie enters the room.
" Hello Adrien. Your father has asked me to um inform you that he feels you need a break from public school. He feels the children there and the events there are distracting you from your modeling duties," Nathalie said calmly.
       I didn't know whether to cry or scream. What the hell? How can he take me out of school. It's the only thing keeping me sane!!! I cannot be locked up in this house again! Not when I've had a taste of freedom.
"N-no", I managed to croak out. "Yo-u're joking right Nathalie?"
Nathalie's eyes softened. "I'm afraid not, Adrien." She tried to soothe me but I flinched back. She sighed.
"I'm very sorry Adrien", she said before leaving the room closing the door behind her.
I can't believe that man! All because of a school dance? I can't stay here anymore. I've got to leave this house.
"Plagg, claws out!" And then I left, through the window.
Marinette's POV
       I finished my dress an hour ago so now I'm helping my parents complete an order of 500 macarons. Talk about a sweet tooth. So far we have 125 macorons done. Only 375 left to go. Yay.
"Marinette, can you please check the macarons in the oven," called my mom.
"Of course Maman," I replied. I checked on them. They needed about 5 more minutes.
                 *3 hours later*
"YAYYYY," my parents and I screamed. We finished the macorons! We had dinner and bade each other a good night. I went up to my room.
"I hope you brought me macarons", Tikki giggled.
"I sure did! I baked an extra special one for you." I handed her a strawberry macaron.
"Mmmmm, thanks Mari" Tikki said in between bites.
"No problem", I said. I went to my desk to finish up my quantum physics homework. But it was just too confusing. Giving up, I went to my balcony to enjoy some fresh air.
       Adrien's POV
I circled all around the city. I checked to see if Ladybug was at the Eiffel Tower but she wasn't so I decided to go back home. I really don't wanna go back there but I don't have anywhere else to go. On my way home I spotted a girl sitting atop the bakery. Marinette. After a mental argument on whether to go to her, I decide I will. Screw it. I need to talk to someone. I leaped to her balcony. She jumped up in fright.
"Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!," Marinette screamed.
"Relax, it's just me Chat Noir," I said.
"Chat Noir? What are you doing here? And why did you sneak up on me like that?", she questioned, clearly annoyed at this point. I chuckled a little. But then the events of the night came back and I frowned again.
"Chat Noir, what's wrong?"
I sighed before talking.
"I'm really sorry for coming to your balcony tonight but I'm just very upset. I don't want to go back home and I need to talk to someone. I know we don't really know each other but we've talked before. Remember Evillustrator? Anyways I thought I could maybe talk to you. Sorry if I'm a bother."

Her expression became sympathetic.
"Oh no! What's made you so upset? And don't ever feel like a bother. I'm always willing to help somebody."
I smiled a little bit at that.
"Thank you princess. And it's more of a who than a what. You see, there is an event at my school", I said carefully so as not to reveal too much about myself. If she knows it's a dance she will become suspicious.
"I asked my father if I could attend and he said no. He says no to everything and anything. He's been like this ever since my mom left. And it makes me feel distanced from my peers and I feel like I'm missing out on adolescence", I finished, at the verge of tears now.
"Oh my gosh Chat! I-I don't even know what to say. Follow me inside. I can get you a snack". She kindly offered.
"Oh it's not necessa-", I tried to protest but she cut me off.
"I insist Chat Noir. Just give me a second to clean up." She can back two minutes later and beckoned me to come inside. I complied. I sat on her chaise.

"Just wait here, I'll be right back. She returned a moment later with a plate of croissants and two mugs of chocolate milk.
     "Mmmm croissants!," I exclaimed. She laughed at me. I stuffed one into my mouth. And then another. And then another. (LetAdrienEat2k19 lol)
"Whoa kitty. Slow down!", Marinette giggled. She then went to her desk to do homework I assume. Once I'd finished my mug of chocolate, I approached her.
"What are you doing", I asked her curious as to why she kept groaning.
"I'm doing physics homework. I hate physics!", she yelled and then put her head down.
"Well lucky for you, this cat has physics in the bag!," I smirked.
"Ughhh, cat puns? I almost thought you weren't going to make any today", she groaned.
"Well wouldn't that be a cat-a-strophe.", I responded cheekily.
"For real? Just help me with my homework," she exclaimed.
And so I did. It was actually rather fun, at least for me that is. And Marinette is a quick learner. She understood the concept very fast.
"Thank you Chat Noir", she said when we finished.
"No, thank you princess. Thank you for talking with me tonight."
"It was my pleasure", she said. "But now you got to return home, good night."
"Good night Marinette." I couldn't help it and hugged her. She returned the hug hesitantly.
"Thank you so much, Mari", I said. Her listening to me rant really touched me.
"It was no problem", she replied shyly.
"Bye for now, Mari." And then I left.

AN: Over 1000 words!! I'm so proud of myself. I'll try to publish consistently but I'll update the publishing schedule once I start school.

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