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They are in your point of your fanmade. Everyone.
No Canon 3P.

The 3Ps are 2Ps just...very very aggressive.
They aren't scary.
They are aggressive.
And I hope to never run into mine.

I have no plan what you fans thought, but here are some examples:

I have no plan what you fans thought, but here are some examples:

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This is a bad example...but... You see that our 3Ps can be completely different from fan to fan. This could be Switzerland's 3P

Or this:

It doesn't exist a real 3P of us

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It doesn't exist a real 3P of us.
Mostly, they are just very very aggressive and search for fights.
They are basically the 2P of our 2Ps.

2P Japan: Basically. And I hope to never run into our.

2P Japan: 3P Italy doesn't seem so bad

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2P Japan: 3P Italy doesn't seem so bad. 3P Germany is a whimp and our 3P looks like Flavio.
I hope to never run into the last two and if I do, I'll murder them.

Forget what you see.

3Ps are bad. Don't... modify them.

- Nihon-Teikoku

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