Chapter 50

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A/N Wow we are at chapter 50! When I started this fic I wasn't sure how long it would be. I'm so thankful for all of you wonderful readers and all the awesome comments. We are jumping into the action in the next couple chapters and the final arc. Enjoy!

Chapter 50

"At ease boys. I'm here to see the prisoner." Sokka strode up to the Earth Kingdom guards at Azula's door as though he owned the palace. He had told Zuko and Katara he was going to enjoy the palace baths while he was there but after they'd parted company he had headed for Azula. The soldiers looked at one another with uncertainty, he knew they'd been given orders to admit no one but Iroh or Zuko. Sokka had a few things he'd like to say to the errant princess so he made up a story he thought might work.

"I'm sorry, no one but Lord Iroh or his nephew is permitted."

Sokka waved this away as though it were the most unimportant thing he'd heard that day.

"Yeah, yeah I know. Ole Uncle Iroh is the one who sent me. Thought maybe my handsome self might be able to persuade her to cooperate." He gave them a conspiratorial look and stood back as if waiting for them to open the door for him.

He knew they had likely seen him around the palace and upper ring before, usually with Iroh. It wouldn't be too much of a stretch to believe his story. Reluctantly, they stood aside and bent the door open. Sokka smiled indulgently and walked past them into the room. They closed the door as soon as he'd crossed the threshold.

The room was small and windowless. A bed, a brazier and a screen that likely hid a toilet was all there was. Azula sat on the edge of the bed staring into the flames, cheek resting on her hand. She did not look up when he entered and Sokka tried not to take offense. Momo, who had apparently opted to stay with Azula, looked up from her lap and flew over to greet him. He was scratching behind his ears when Azula finally spoke.

"I suppose you're here to kill me then. Well, go on, get it over with." She sighed but didn't move otherwise.

"I'm not here to kill you, Azula. I just want to talk."

Azula turned to look at him curiously just as Momo crashed back into her, chirping and chittering. A small smile crept up her face as she patted his head and listened to him chirp at her. Sokka watched their interaction with a frown. He didn't understand why Momo liked her so much. Azula was crazy evil. Weren't animals supposed to have a sense about people? Watching them together, he thought about what her mother's letter had said. Even King Bumi seemed to be supporting her claims, not that having his royal craziness on her side was saying much.

"What did you do to make him like you so much? He's usually such a good judge of character."

The small smile slid from her face and was replaced by a frown.

"No idea. I shared my food with him once and he wouldn't leave me alone after. It was nice... he's been very helpful."

Sokka watched them interact a moment longer before shrugging. Who knew what animals thought anyway.

"What did you think would happen when you showed up here? You had to know you'd be out numbered and that there was no way any of us would believe you."

Azula cocked her head and gave him a tired smile.

"Isn't that all the proof you need that I'm telling the truth? No doubt Zuko has told you why I came. Why would I risk death just to lie?"

He scoffed. "Gee I don't know, maybe because you're a manipulative crazy person? I have no idea what you could be thinking. Personally, I wish Zuko had killed you, or at the very least kicked you out of the city. But, I trust his judgment. He would never allow a threat to his family to go unchecked."

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