Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

After Sokka had ensured Katara and his baby niece had made it to the apartment he shared with Natuk and Sitka as Zuko had asked, he went to their father's. Azula's sudden arrival had set him on edge. The fact that Zuko had opted not to kill her gave them all one more thing to worry about. He could sympathize with his desire to believe his long lost mother's words, but Azula was dangerous. Her presence in the city could be putting them all at risk.

From everything that he had experienced of her himself or heard from Zuko, they had no way of knowing if Azula was putting on an act. She had always been loyal to Ozai. What if she was just pretending to be remorseful and would betray them all the moment they let down their guard? It wouldn't be the first time she'd used subterfuge to gain access to Ba Sing Se. Well, Sokka would just have to make sure that didn't happen.

Hakoda had been surprised, but more understanding of Zuko's actions than Sokka had expected. He had come to understand something of the man his son-in-law was. Expecting Zuko to kill his sister in cold blood was unfair, despite their past. Sokka had tried to imagine what he would feel if it was his sister that was the crazy former enemy but he just couldn't picture Katara that way. He did know how much he loved her though, and supposed he could almost understand.


After sharing dinner with his father and Bato, Sokka had gone home. Natuk told him that Zuko had seemed extremely weary and relieved to be away from Azula when he had come to take his family home. He hadn't said much but as there was already a Lotus meeting planned for the next day, both water tribe men assumed they would hear more then. He didn't sleep well that night.

After trudging all the way to the palace in the upper ring the next morning, Sokka was still on edge. His sister and her husband were a few places ahead and Natuk walked beside him. When Katara and Zuko had come by to leave Kya with Sitka and her son before they'd left, Sokka had tried to get a feel for what his brother-in-law was thinking. He had not been in a talkative mood. Now, approaching the gates to the upper ring, no one spoke.

The guards knew them by sight and stood aside to allow them to pass. As there was a gathering at the palace today, the massive stone gates were dropped. Sokka wondered how this meeting would go. Having recently received word from Lieutenant Jee, Iroh had summoned all of their allies and any Lotus members who resided in the city. As this was a nearly impenetrable stronghold, nearly everyone who mattered to their war effort had opted to live there. There had only been a scant handful of meetings so far as communication was slow and progress slower still.

Reaching the meeting hall, the same large room with tables laid out in a large circle, Sokka glanced around for his father. Spotting him, he took the seat to his right, Natuk sitting beside him. Zuko, he noticed, sat beside his uncle rather than with him as he usually did. As Iroh was the head of the White Lotus, it signaled to anyone paying attention that Zuko was perhaps about to take up his role as a leader at last.

"Welcome my friends. I have called you here to discuss the extremely important developments we received word of earlier this week. As you know, Lieutenant Jee has been sending us updates on his progress within the Fire Nation military as well as anything else he deems important. Finally, it seems, he sends good news."

Although his words should have sparked a more relaxed tone, Iroh was steel and fire. In that moment, Sokka saw not the jovial old tea master but General Iroh, Dragon of the West.

"My brother has made a critical mistake. When he chose his bride from the military ranks, he ensured their increased loyalty. However, rumors of his treatment of the Fire Lady have sparked outrage and unrest." Iroh paused as though what he was about to say made him as angry as it did the men who knew Fire Lady Lei. "Ozai has kept his wife in forced isolation since confirming her pregnancy. There have also been reports of physical abuse as well as psychological."

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