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Yoongi silently watched as Taehyung peeling an apple for him. From the day after,Taehyung was always in the hospital with him. He always gave the very fresh smile to Yoongi, occasionally telling a few jokes for him, helping him to make breakfast, helping him wash his face. Taehyung had never revealed any pain or tragic demonstration to Yoongi, just silently by his side, taking good care of him.

Until now, Yoongi still rarely talked to Taehyung, sometimes for a long time his eyes didn't even glance at him once. He just stared sliently out of the window and dumbfounded, his eyes unfocused, his face had no emotion. Taehyung just calmly sitting beside him, trying to suppress emotions to embrace this person. He hate it, he hate people who turned Yoongi into this state, hate them who dared to hurt the one he loves the most. Yoongi once treasured and loved a person, filled with shyness and fear, he spent all his courage and mind to pursue the person he loved. However, Jungkook ruthlessly took advantages of him, mercilessly betrayed him , mercilessly treated him well to take the benefits from him. Until now, Taehyung suddenly felt, he wouldn't need anything, wouldn't need Yoongi's love, he would rather be a stranger. He would exchange anything to gain back that sweet sweet smile again.

Sometimes,Taehyung would come to help Yoongi walk around the hospital garden. He would tell Yoongi the humorous stories of his school life that he spent, even though only him the one who laugh. Everyday, he would spend all his heart to buy delicious dishes that are easy to digest for Yoongi, and he felt so happy that Yoongi sometimes also ate some pieces.

However, Yoongi could only eat liquid food. Everyday,Taehyung went home to cook porridge and bring it to the hospital. In the first few days,Taehyung always had all kind of problems, when using the knife, he cut his hand, then splashed the oil onto his arm and the taste was not good. Even so, Yoongi still did not say anything, did not critize the bad taste, nor did he say thank you. What kind of food Taehyung gave, he just silently ate. After that, the porridge Taehyung made became richer, white porridge, sauerkraut porridge, salted egg porridge, more and more diverse. But...Yoongi also ate less and less. He was often in the middle of the night's pain,Taehyung hardly dared to sleep for a second, every night, he took Yoongi's hand, dropped his head into the side bed and took a short nap so that when Yoongi had any movement, he could immediately wake up.

Yoongi was also not used to holding other's hands, he frowned a few times, but when he continue to sleep, his hand was always taken by Taehyung. After that, he also accepted, and gradually got used to the feeling of being warmed by Taehyung's hands.

" Are you hurt ? It's fine, I'm here" Taehyung stubbornly gripped Yoongi's hand, his voice trembling slightly, but his eyes were immensely persistent.

" Uh.." Yoongi bit his teeth, he could feel the smell of blood in his mouth spilling out. The last few days he was terrible weak, more and more unable to stand the pain.

On a certain night, Yoongi could not bear the throbbing pain and awakening, he turned his head, in the vague vision, he saw the expression of the same miserable face of Taehyung. His eyes filled with blood, under the rim of the eye is a blue and black rim that will not dissipate. For several months now, Taehyung had been as thin and weak as Yoongi.

Yoongi couldn't see Taehung's face clearly but he could feel his eyes looking at him. Taehyung was always look at him like that, like forever stay by his side, forever not separate. Yoongi felt that he was probably about to die. The temperature on his body was little by little dissipated, except that his hand remained the same that was tightly wrapped by Taehyung's hand. Somehow, right now Yoongi suddently felt like crying, how long he hadn't cried, he didn't remember it well.

" Kim Taehyung, next life...you must be early...soon appear for me !"

Taehyung bend down, he felt that Yoongi's lips dropped into his ear slightly jerked, a thin breath blowing through his ear made him both trembling, his soul was like freezed, in his head, empty. There were no movements or demonstrations.

Even though it was a long time later,Taehyung still couldn't describe his feeling at that time. The happiness that just billowed back and forth then paintful and desperate took over.

Why, why at this time, at the end of it, let me know that you finally had feeling for me. Why god, why treated me like this.

After a time, from the inside of Taehyung's throat came the cry of a wounded beats, each drop of tears quickly spilling out the corner of his eyes, settled on the pale, cold face of Yoongi.

" No, please don't be like that ! "Taehyung hugged the cold, cold body tightly, as trying to squeeze the scream in his chest. Tears made the vision ambious, even consciousness was about to vaguely followed. Taehyung was just instinctively hugging him tightly, just like Yoongi's temperature was still warm, like doing this so he wouldn't leave.

However, he ended up not regain anything. Why is it that I keep warm but his hand still doesn't warm up. Taehyung's lips kept tremling " don't, can't be like that, Yoongi you can't be like that" How could you do that, how could you leave me when I have made you fall in love with me, how could you leave me alone, how could you...

" I won't allow you to to that, can you wake up? You have not yet allowed me to truly love you, have not yet allowed me to prove that I'm not like Jungkook, don't leave me, Yoongi...." Taehyung have never struggled like this, never felt any kind of pain like this before, now he like a child crying his heart out in a hoarse voice, it was like a fog gradually spread out, on the corner of many nurses's eyes also accumulated water.



" No" Taehyung awakened from his dream, he tight his heavy chest, painting,his sweaty on his forehead rolling down. He gasped for a few breaths, finally feeling the kind of prressure that make people hardly breath a little bit disspirated.

Consciousness still seems vague. After some minutes,Taehyung realized that he had just dreamed of Yoongi. Dreaming of seeing him before he die, dreaming of his chocking throat kept screaming, but Yoongi would never reply again, would no longer frown coldly at him, would no longer calmly look at him.

Taehyung tightened his fist, he could not wait, even one day he could not wait. He wanted to meet Yoongi, wanted to see him appear in front of his eyes clearly, he wanted to immediately go to Yoongi's school, even if he was just standing in the distance and glanced at the school gate, he wanted to see Yoongi, eyes seeing him...

THAT'S RIGHT, TAEHYUNG WAS RESURRECTED, REVIVED TEN YEARS AGO. He turned back to the time when Yoongi was sixteen years old, he was seventeen, and this time he will have Yoongi

LET ME LOVE YOU - Taegi [Transfic]Where stories live. Discover now