Nana noticed that he wasn't responding, so she continued, "It's been a while since we've last seen you."

"Yeah..." Harley said, looking away. He couldn't look at her in the eye. He had done so many horrible things to her. "Nana, I... I'm sorry for everything I've done to you."

"Harley, it's okay," Nana said, her features softening. He winced when she suddenly held his hand. "But... what about you? Are you really okay now?"

He nodded a little. "Lesley had been taking care of me."

"And your wounds?"

"A lot of them are fading," Harley said, slowly pulling his hand away from her grasp. Inwardly, he wondered how Nana was still able to talk to him after what he had done to her. He knew that she must've been hurt with the things he had said. "Nana, why are you still talking to me?"

Nana tilted her head to the side in confusion. "What do you mean, Harley?"

He looked down, and he ended up staring at his feet. He could feel his toes curling inside his shoes. "I mean, even after all the things I've said to you, you still talk to me. Then you and Harith just kept trying to find out what was really happening to me. And then you guys were the one who visited me at the hospital. Why do you guys care so much?"

Nana gasped, before she crossed her arms against her chest. "Why would we not care?" Suddenly, she took a step forward, and Harley had to take a step back to keep his distance. "I had a feeling from the start that you were hiding something, but I couldn't tell what it was. Then Harith found you in the bathroom all injured. How are we not concerned?"

"But I said all those–"

"Because you didn't want us to find out," Nana quickly finished. She took in a deep breath before exhaling. When she looked at him, her eyes twinkled with something akin to sympathy. "Harley, forget about what you said. Harith and I don't really care–"

"That's a lie, you almost cried when Harley didn't want to eat your cookies and called you a peasant," Harith interrupted, walking towards them. Harith must be angry if he said that, so maybe it would be best if he leaves. Harley was about to walk away, but Harith grabbed his arm. "Harley, wait."

All of a sudden, breathing became a difficult task for him. Harith may have saved him from jumping off the rooftop the other day, but what if he still hadn't forgive him for all the things he'd done? Was he going to beat him up? Could he afford another set of bruises? Harley could feel the chilly air blowing at his skin, and, abruptly, his head felt light–

"Harley!" Harith called, snapping him out of his thoughts. The leonin was looking directly at him, his face worried, and Harley wondered when he had sat down on the floor. "Oh god– are you okay?!"

Harley let out a few shaky breaths, before he lifted his hand to rub his temple. The black spots that appeared around his vision were starting to disappear, and he bad to blink a few times in order to keep himself conscious.

"Harith, you idiot!" Nana scolded, punching the older leonin's arm. "You didn't have to mention that part! Now, look what you've done! He almost passed out because of you!"

"I didn't mean to! I was just about to reassure him that all is good. Harley, I'm so sorry!"

"I-It's fine," Harley muttered, making an attempt to stand up. He could feel his knees shaking underneath him, and he had to support himself by placing his hand against the wall. "Just do what you want. I... I can handle it. I've faced it for years anyway, so it wouldn't make any difference."

Harith's brows furrowed, and he stared at him for a while as if he grew a second head. Then, he seemed to understand what he meant. "What the– you thought I was going to hit you?!"

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