Chapter 5 - Light or Dark

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Summary: What if Harry was raised by a family that was thought to be loyal to the Dark Lord Voldemort? The Lestrange raises Harry.

Bashing: Dumbledore, Molly, Ron and Ginny
Pairings: Harry x Daphne and Draco x Nyla (OC)

I don't own any of the Harry Potter books/movies or any animes OC's and the classes of Salem Academy. Enjoy!

-Hogwarts, Sept. 4-

"Come cousin, time for Defense," said Draco.

"Coming," murmured Regulus.

Nyla and Daphne giggled before the small group of Slytherins was about to head out from the Great hall when they were stopped by Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.

"What do you want Weasel?" sneer Nyla.

"None of your business, Aviur!" snapped Ron. He turned to Regulus, "Why don't you join Hermione and me instead Harry? It's much better hanging around with these slimy snakes."

Regulus frowned, "These slimy snakes you are talking about are my friends and cousin. Besides, if I'm not mistaken, I'm a 'slimy snake' as well."

Ron snorted, "Friends? Yea right, they're bunch of future Death Eaters in training. You don't want to hang around with the wrong sort of wizards like them. Come with us where you rightfully belong."

Nyla gritted her teeth and was about to snap at the redhead when Regulus stopped her.

Regulus glared over at Ron, "Where I rightfully belong is at Salem – not here Weasley! But no! Dumbledore had to mess things up for me and my family like always! Now leave me be!"

Ron and Hermione step back to see that Regulus' eyes turned to a darker shade of green-purple and they were glowing.

Hermione bit her lip, "Please Harry. We will fill you in what you missed since your disappearance. I can even help you with your homework."

Draco, Nyla and the others started to laugh.

"You? Offering to help Harry on his homework?" said Draco, between laughs.

"And what's so funny about that, Malfoy?" Hermione said annoyingly. She placed her hands onto her hips, "I'm quite capable of helping Harry to catch up on his work."

"That's not it, Granger," Nyla smirked, "Reggie was placed in the top list in Salem in a way, he will be tutoring you instead."

"But I was placed top second last year," argued Hermione.

Daphne snorted, "Salem Academy is for powerful wizards and witches. Hogwarts may be the best in Britain, but Salem Academy is for the elites."

Hermione glared, "Then why didn't I get an acceptance letter from them?"

"That's because only a few Britain wizards and witches get one," explained Regulus then glaring at them, "Now if you 'kindly' get out of our way."

Ron and Hermione stood firmly where they stood.

Regulus sighed before shoving them to the side, walking out from the Great hall. Draco and the others smirked before following Regulus out from the hall. Quickly, Nyla turned around and stick her tongue at them.

Regulus Lestrange जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें