Untitled Part 5

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                                                                                      Chapter Five


Life in the camp was dire we ate very little, slept very little and spoke very little. The resident Prisoners informed us that we were in Southern Poland around 50 miles from the Czechoslovakian Border, 80% of the inmates were Polish and the remainder mainly British. The Commandant was a Major Freidrick, a fanatical Nazi with a huge hatred of anything not German. The senior British officer was Captain Rawlins, Oxford educated he epitomized the British stiff upper lip, constantly it would seem, marching into Freidricks head quarters arguing over cleanliness in the Barracks, the lack of clean water, medical provisions and sanitation. He was  we were told, relentless but this in itself kept up the moral of all of the inmates including the Poles.

"Has anyone ever escaped? I asked a Welsh soldier.

"Not to my knowledge, at least not in the 9 month's that I have been here" he answered.

"Well let's have a think" I said turning to Shamus, "we have got to get out of here, I could be a Father"

"Let's do it" he replied.

As the weeks and months went by we researched every angle while working closely with Captain Rawlins and the Polish Prisoners. Every night we could see resistance fighters in the nearby forest but they were too far away to contact. We were disappearing before our own eyes, Shamus had gone from 16 stone down to just 12, and myself, I was 3 stone lighter. The Camp was so tightly secured that it became clear, the easier solution would be for people to break in rather than out. But to achieve this we first needed to get one person out in order to devise a plan with the Resistance, and that person I had made up my mind would be me. The answer as usual would come in the most unsuspecting way.

We waited and waited, it was now November 1942 and Winter was coming fast. As I strolled to one of the outside latrines I watched as the Guards changed 40 in 40 out, this only happened every 3 months therefor in the next few day's on any transport leaving the Camp all of the German Guards would still be strangers to one another, this was my chance.

"Shamus we must kidnap one of the Guards at around one o, clock tomorrow" I whispered pulling him to one side, "at two o,clock there is a regular truck with a dozen or so Guards on board leaves for the Town of Wroclaw, I will put on his uniform and get into the Truck"

"If you are caught you will be shot Jimmy" he said putting his still substantial hand on my shoulder.

"We have to try Shamus" I said, "If I can contact the Freedom Fighters I will come back for you, you know I will"

"You're fucking mad Jimmy Mackie" said Shamus, "but let's do it I'll grab one at one o,clock  but be clear if you make contact and there is no way back you get yourself fucking home, clear"

I never answered. 

The next day around the allotted time two prisoners in our Billet began an argument just as a soldier around the same height and build as me walked past. Shamus threw the door open and started shouting, the soldier lowered his rifle and stepped inside. The second his foot entered the Billet Shamus had him. His mouth was quickly gagged and his hands and feet bound. Within 30 minutes wearing the Guards uniform I was walking towards the Transport Truck heading for Wroclaw. I sat at the back staring into nowhere on the hour-long journey thinking how easy that was. As I left the Billet my last words to Shamus were, "Keep an eye on Sector Eight" As we entered the Town it was evident that this was a free day for the soldiers. Women approached the truck tugging at our uniforms and trying to climb on board willing to prostitute themselves for money or any other favors that the soldiers could offer. As the Guards left the truck I walked with them for a little way before slipping into a quiet Alley and removing the German uniform, I was still wearing my prisoners clothes underneath. I spent the night moving from doorway to doorway avoiding any eye contact or conversation, but well aware that I was being watched by a man who appeared on 3 or 4 occasions without saying a word. Eventually I approached him I knew I had to act quickly as the punishment handed out to my friends would be swift and harsh when they discovered that I was gone.

"Resistance" I said, and repeated, "resistance"

He looked at my clothes, nodded his head and gestured with his hand for me to follow him. Fifteen minutes later I was in a room with ten very nervous looking men, mainly dressed in suits and all holding Russian made rifles. "Who are you? asked a voice from the back of the room.

"I am an escaped prisoner from the nearby camp, my name is Private James Mackie of the British Army" I answered, and went on to tell them my story, "I have a way of freeing as much as 50 prisoners but I need your help. The majority of these men will be your countrymen, if we don't act quickly they will die in there"

There was a long silence and then the English speaking man from the back came forward. "I am Captain John Stride of the 2nd Battalion the Black Watch" he said, "I have been fighting with and advising the Polish Resistance for the past nine months, we will listen to your plans and if they seem viable we will go with you and take a look" and he shook my hand.

I informed Captain Stride that there were ten sectors around the Camp, sector eight being the closest to the forest. Standing in the centre of each sector but outside of the perimeter fence are tee shaped billboards with random letters and numbers printed on the sides facing the Camp. "I don't think anyone especially the Guards have any Idea what the lettering means" I told him, The signs being outside of the fence do not pick up the search-lights at night, I could therefor replace the lettering on sector eight with a coded message of an escape time. The beams from the lights go back and forward at 20 second intervals, it would be up to us to cut a hole in the fence where the beam begins but keep the wire closed. Three men could reach the fence and exit the camp in this time making nine per minute, in five minutes 45 prisoners would be through the wire.

"Why only 45" asked Stride.

"The other Billets are too far away, it would be too dangerous" I answered.

After a 30 minute meeting in another room they reappeared, "Very well Private Mackie" said Stride, "we will have a look tomorrow night, but for now some food and drink, you are a brave man"

The following night we made our way to the Camp. They knew the forest like the back of their hands taking me straight to sector eight. We sat in silence for an hour or so before Captain Stride spoke."I can see what you mean Mackie" he said, "but what would you put on the billboard?

I told him that Corporal O,Leary would be watching for any changes, "I have worked out, SHA-EXT-45-MID-15, Meaning"

"OK I can see the meaning Jimmy" he said, "I think it is worth the risk although I would like to have extracted 60 men not 45"

"Very well Captain" I said reassuringly, "I will write EXT-60 and leave it to Shamus, and if it is possible he will get it done"

"Five nights from now then Mackie" said the Captain. I thanked him and we left.

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