Chapter 14: New Plan

Start from the beginning

"Shouldn't we return to Octo  canyon? I mean it's not exactly safe down here with the cams Tartar had set.up down here" 3 asked as the UFO made turns and spins on its was to its destination.

"Sis' seemed to be pretty shaken up, and besides, going back may not be a good idea either. After all, Callie and Marie have gone really quiet. We don't know why...."

The two of them ducked as the came close to hitting a ceiling pipe.

"Maybe the found something they shouldn't have..." 3 mumbled under his breath.

"All we can assume it that they are okay but out of contact. Let's hope 4 has some more details on the situation" 4.5 need the conversation on that note. As they had made it down to the train itself.

Jumping off, 3 and 4.5 followed the train with the UFO tagging closely behind.

Once they made it to the front, they saw the huge gap that had been made during the earlier tremors.

Across from said gap was agent 4 and 5.

"Over here!" Pearl exclaimed.

3 looked around the area before sending the UFO to pick them up. After safely bringing them back across 4.5 quickly embraced his sister.

"I'm so glad you're okay" he mumbled into her shoulder. She wrapped her arms around him.

"Same to you bro".

After giving each other some space, 3 asked a questioned he'd been dying to ask.

"What happened to 8?" He said quickly.

Pearl spoke up "the shaking from earlier had us on thin ice! The tremors opened a huge hole in the ground and 8 fell in!" She gestured to the gap that she had once been on the other side of.

3 looked at the hole and his eyes widened in horror.

"We don't know how deep it is, we tried to test it but...." 4 started.

"We never heard a sound that signaled the bottom..." Pearl finished for her.

3 looked at the hole in fear. Was 8 okay? Was she hurt? If so how bad? Had she also been captured? So many questions plagued his mind.

"For now we need to get on the train and ask the conductor to move backwards. Best it dosent stay here or chance it falling in the hole" 4.5 interrupted 3's thoughts.

Pearl and 4 nodded and began to move back onto the train.

3 still seemed reluctant to leave. Placing a hand on his shoulder, 4 spoke "she's a tough cookie. She wouldn't go down without a fight" he tried to console 3.

3 looked up and nodded. After giving a sad smile to 4.5 he boarded the train in silence.

4.5 followed after him.

Sitting in the farthest back car, the four of them began to discuss a plan.

"We've screwed around more than enough with trains and the underground. We need to go back to octo canyon" 3 was the first the speak.

4.5 nodded but his sister had a look of worry.

"Not sure that's a good idea" she said in response.

4.5 looked at his sister incredulously "why not?".

"The last radio transmission we got from Callie and Marie was a bad one. Callie said they found Marina but not to come back to into canyon" 4 explained with a look of fear.

"She also mentioned to stay away from a certain agent, the static cut her off though so we don't know which one" pearl added.

4.5 went into thought "My sis And I dont pose threat to them, as we beat Octavio with them recently. Can't be pearl or the agent 3 twins as they are even more trust worthy than us...."he trailed off.

"You can't be saying-" 3 started.

"I dont think she's a threat, but...." 4.5 once again fell into deep thought.

"You think she's the main target?" 4 interjected.

"Possibly, could be wrong though" 4.5 answered.

"But why target 8? She doesn't even have her memories. And besides that then why go to all the trouble to Octonap Marina?" 3 asked.

"Not sure, we can only go and find out" 4.5 looked at 3.

"So back to octo canyon? Even after the warning to not got back?" Pearl asked.

"We won't find answers unless we look for the ones who have them. That means-" 4.5 started.

"We have to find the squid sisters" 4 finished.

"And what about 8? We just gonna leave her?!" 3 exclaimed.

"Its best we don't know where she is right now, in fact, she's better off without us. As she could be the main target." 4 tried to explain.

"Yeah, in fact, this way the culprits behind this can't find her. Even if they wanted to get the info from us" 4.5 concluded.

3 looked out the window and kept silent for the rest of the ride. He prayed that 8 would be okay.

Forbidden Love (Female) Agent 8 X Agent 3 (male) Where stories live. Discover now