NEW SUB UPDATE ~ finally here yee^^

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gahh i am finally posting a REAL update since forever :3

' Review of this subliminal ~ '

Today's subliminal is more of a personality (?) subliminal but it is called "become Interesting" By Noonchie affirmations and its supposedly very powerful because in the title it says 'just listen once' and she says that listening once is like listening 900 times and that it is layered over 1 trillion 310 billion and 720 million times aaand is sped up. soo like.. its crazy but basically what this sub does is just makes you more fun to be around and i guess appealing.. to others? I don't know how to describe what it really does but some of the affirmations that she listed down in the description are: 'people admire your personality,' 'can communicate perfectly,' 'free from getting ignored when talking,' 'ideal friends are now your best friends,' 'have a contagious laugh,' 'everyone likes your personality' etc. ( plz go check out her channel she makes reeeeally good and fast working subliminals! <3 ) So that is what Subliminal I am using and what it is/does! ~


So i found this today while i was looking for intelligence subs but then i saw 'Become Interesting' and i was curious to see, so when I saw the description I was like so happy because i have conversation problems tbh and i feel like people are ALWAYS ignoring what i say, especially at my school, so I immediately knew that i HAVE to use this ~ and soo. my results for TODAY are pretty simple (of course since i just started TODAY lol ) but I felt really confident when i was talking to my Long Distance friend on the phone and usually she is the one pretty much talking the whole time and im just kinda responding and she's always the one to start the conversations but this time I did! and it was a conversation that lasted very long, and we just had back to back conversations the WHOLE time and it was honestly amazing, i felt so confident too! But yeah! that's mostly my results so far, but I SWEAR I will update tomorrow on some more info on how mt day went and if i grew any more confident , and what not. BTW i listened for 3 hours and drank 4 bottles of water and used with an extra powerful booster with positivity affirmations put in it so that i was extra hopeful and positive ~ i really hope u guys (especially the people who have maybe social anxiety or just problems talking to people and keeping a convo going *ahem ME ahem*) decide to use this, I think its very powerful and helpful! Keep Believing, Stay Positive and Stay Hydrated! 。^‿^。

Little Message 〔'∇`〕

If you guys have ANY questions about Subliminals, feel free to personally msg me or you can put them in the comments ~ or even if u wanna make a new friend, u can try out this subliminal and talk to meh :D sksk jk u don't need to do that lol but for real i wish you all the best of luck and to spread positivity! <3 (人'∀`).☆.。.:*・° oker byeee lil' Mochi's :3

~ Haley

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