Chapter Fourteen

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Elizabeth woke up in Ricky's arms early the next morning. They hadn't made love that night. Just lay in the bed holding each other. It had been the longest night Elizabeth had spent with Ricky without actually doing anything. She nuzzled into his neck taking in the scent of his aftershave and moisturiser one last time. She reluctantly broke away from his grip and quietly got up from the bed and gathered up her bag and jacket before placing a feather light kiss on Ricky's forehead causing him to stir slightly but not wake. Elizabeth wiped away a tear and quickly returned to her room to pack. It was 6.00am and she knew that she had to be at the Station in an hour. She quickly showered and dressed before literally throwing her clothes into her suitcase. She made the bed and placed the dressing gown she has savoured back on the hook on the bathroom door. Elizabeth zipped her suitcase shut and grabbed her handbag before taking one last look around the room that had become home. She swallowed the lump that appeared in her throat and blinked away the tears before she closed the door behind her for the last time.

Victoria unlocked the Hotel doors with a tinge of sadness that morning. Main Parade and the Promenade were both deathly silent. The night before the Main Stage on the beach had been alive with music and teens jumping up and down screaming. The buzz for Avalanche's performance was already reaching fever pitch. Victoria took in a lung full of the early morning air before shutting the door and going back to her desk. Sophie was already up and singing away in the shower. Victoria had never wished harm on her daughter until her antics yesterday. She knew that Sophie would be very pleased with the present turn of events but she also knew Ricky would be devastated with Elizabeth's leaving. Victoria hoped that Elizabeth had broken the news gently. She had seen Nathan storming up and down the reception area and the stairs last night; she could only assume that something had gone seriously wrong again. In Victoria's opinion, Nathan was a complete shit and was never going to change. But she couldn't shake off the kiss. The kiss that had left her reeling. Victoria shook the feelings off as she busied herself with getting the day's business ready. After switching on her laptop and getting the keys ready for the day's guests' she looked up to see Elizabeth descending the stairs. Victoria sighed deeply and left the safety of her desk to help Elizabeth with her bags. Elizabeth looked up and smiled.

"You don't have to you know." She said.

"What?" Victoria asked. "Afraid I am going to lock them in the lost luggage room and not give them back to you."

"Wouldn't surprise me." Elizabeth giggled lightly as she descended the last step. She sighed deeply and looked at Victoria. "Well, guess this is goodbye then."

"Does it have to be?" Victoria asked sadly.

"You know it does." Elizabeth said tilting her head. "Now did you charge my credit card like I told you to? Because I will check when I get back to London you know."

"Yes I have." Victoria answered rolling her eyes. "Not that I wanted to."

"Alight I believe you. But I am still going to check." Elizabeth smiled.

"Where are you going to stay?" Victoria asked concerned, knowing by now Elizabeth's real reason for fleeing the city. "I mean with you know who and all."

"He's probably cleared out by now." Elizabeth answered referring to the one of many of Aiden's flits from her home. "Besides if he hasn't I can always kick him out. It's my house after all."

"Well as long as you're going to be alright." Victoria said rubbing Elizabeth's arm slightly.

"I will be." Elizabeth said choking back a small tear. "Now are you going to give me a hug or do I have to wait all day for one? I have got a train to catch you know."

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