Chapter Eight

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Elizabeth couldn't remember the last time she had to sneak back into a hotel. All she knew was that it had been a good few years and she was terribly out of practice. She and Ricky hadn't realised how late it had become whilst they were at the beach. They only noticed that it had gone dark when the embers of the tiny bonfire they had started to become brighter. Ricky had hurriedly packed away his guitar realising that Nathan would probably be going mental at that point in time and he and Elizabeth had rushed back to the hotel, hoping to avoid the fans on the way. When they got back to The Lighthouse they found that the doors were slammed tight shut and only the nightlight in the reception area was on. Ricky glanced down at his watch and cringed.

"It's almost ten." He whispered. "I am a dead man."

"You are also a grown man." Elizabeth whispered back through a smile. "Nathan can't go mental at you for staying out late, not that it's even that late."

"You don't know Nathan." Ricky said a little louder. "He runs us off our feet so he expects us to be tip top condition and that means being in before ten."

"How old were you the last time you looked?" Elizabeth asked pulling Ricky's jacket around her shoulders a little tighter after realising that she was still wearing it.

"Thirty why?" Ricky answered now back to his whisper.

"Well stop being such a wimp and let him now that you are in fact an adult." Elizabeth said in a voice that sounded more like a teacher telling a student off for something he had done wrong. "You can't let him rule your life you know."

"Elizabeth, if you knew the music industry then you would know that when you are a singer or in a band you would realise that your life isn't your own anymore." Ricky explained gaining a raised eyebrow from Elizabeth.

"Really." She said knowingly. "Well I know more than you think sweetie."

"How?" Ricky asked. "You are just a London girl here on an extended holiday."

"You think." Elizabeth replied folding her arms.

"Oh look." Ricky said raising his hands. "We have had a lovely night please don't get argumentative and spoil it. Let's just get inside before Nathan notices I'm missing."

"All right." Elizabeth sighed. "I'll go in first and then you creep in behind me or something. If we are spotted I can say that I met you downstairs."

"How do you know about all of these things?" Ricky asked as he felt himself being pushed towards the door.

"I'm a London girl." Elizabeth smiled. "Plenty of practice. Now come on." Elizabeth said as she pushed Ricky into through the doors.

The nightlight and security system was the only life in the reception area that night. Elizabeth and Ricky breathed a sigh of relief when they realised that they were in fact and thankfully alone. The pair looked at each other and giggled lightly before slowly and quietly walking up the stairs. Ricky stepped back slightly when he placed a foot on a creaky floorboard.

"Shit." He said quietly before hopping over it. Elizabeth suppressed a giggle as she followed a tip toeing Ricky to the door to her room. She sighed as she looked up at a smiling Ricky.

"I really did have a good time tonight." She smiled. "I haven't laughed or felt anything like I feel right now for a long time."

"You are more than welcome." Ricky said quietly. "This doesn't have to end here you know. I mean I'm free for the next three days. We could may be do something tomorrow."

"I'd like that." Elizabeth said licking her bottom lip. "Well apart from the running away from the fans bit."

"Yeah." Ricky giggled shaking his head. "I promise we won't do that again."

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