Chapter 3

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Jay began to drive as Brogan gulped a whole bottle of vodka down as Carlos stood up in the back of the truck blasting music as Brogan joined him. Carlos began to dance taking hold of Brogan's hand making her dance. The truck stopped making Brogan and Carlos fall backwards as the others got out the truck and made their way into the building to see loads of people dancing and to hear music blaring

"This is my kind of party" shouted Brogan

"Okay Jay you are the barman now" replied Mal "we are going to have fun let's party"

They made their way to the dance floor pushing past people when a terrible song came on so they headed towards the DJ. DJ saw them coming and ushered security guards to stop them but Carlos and Arrieta double kicked one security as Brogan spin kicked the other security guard, Mal eyes turned green as the DJ left running when Mal grabs the microphone

"Okay everyone out now" shouted Mal "don't make me ask again get out now this is our party to celebrate our new friend"

"I am not leaving I am the daughter of evil stepmother" replied girl "they call me Lindsey, oi Jake, Cara and Darren come back here now" she points as Jake "Jake is the son of the big bad wolf he can turn into a wolf and kill you" she points as Cara "Cara is the daughter of Mother Gothel" she points at Darren "Darren is the son of Prince Hans"

"Look here there is six of us and four of you" replied Arietta

"Actually there is seven of us because you got my younger brother, Darren's younger sisters" explained Lindsey

"We can still take them Mal" said Brogan

Brogan pulls her sword out of her scabbard but realises that no one else has any weapons so she puts it away and got into her fighting stance. Brogan punched Darren in the face and then headbutted him knocking him unconscious, she cartwheels and spins kicks Cara in the face as she Carlos boots Jake making him go flying into Darren's younger sisters knocking them to the floor, Lindsey came at Brogan as Brogan stepped backwards and flipped her over. They got up and ran out of the building when Evie began to DJ and put a song on

"My favourite evil song" yelled Evie

"I put a spell on you

And now you're mine

You can't stop the things I do

I ain't lying" sang Mal

"It's been sixteenth years

Right down to the day

Now the witch is back

And there's hell to pay" sang Evie "I put a spell on you now you are mine"

"She put a spell on you" sang Arietta "she put a s-spell on you..."

"I put a spell on you

And now you're gone" sang Evie

"Gone, gone, gone so long" sang Jay "gone so long"

"My whammy fell on you

And it was strong" sang Evie

"Strong, strong, strong so strong" sang Carlos

"Your wretched little lives

Have all been cursed

'Cause of all the witches working

I'm the worst

I put a spell on you

And now you're mine" sang Evie

"Watch out behind you watch out" sang Carlos, Mal, Jay and Arietta

"If you don't believe

You better get superstitious

Ask my friends" sang Evie "I put a spell on you, spell on you"

The song finished as Jay handed out alcohol as they began to drink when Brogan banged her glass on the table as Jay poured more in. The door opened and two boys walked in as everyone else stopped

"Hello is this where the party is meant to be?" asked boy "I'm Dane the son of Executioner guard and my older brother Ewan"

"Well we took this party care to join us to drink?" asked Mal

"Sure" said Dane

Jay began to make more drinks placing them on the bar as he jumps over and joins them on the dance floor

"So Brogan why don't you dance?" asked Jay "care to dance with me and Carlos"

"Okay" replied Brogan

Jay and Carlos held their hands out as Brogan grabbed their hands and they began to dance when Mal walked over

"Breakdancing coemption" said Mal

"Sure let's show Dane and Ewan how to breakdance Carlos" said Jay

Jay and Carlos began to breakdance as Carlos flipped over Jay. Dane and Ewan took the dance floor getting Mal's, Evie's and Arrieta's attention cheering, Brogan got annoyed as she backflipped over Dane and began to breakdance when Jay picked her up in the air and dropped her but she landed on her feet

"Okay Jay, Carlos and Brogan won" yelled Mal

"Nice one Brogue" shouted Carlos

"Bro we did it" yelled Jay

Jay and Carlos bro hugged as Jay picked Brogan up and put her on his shoulder. They made their way back to the truck as Carlos climbed on the outside of truck as Jay placed Brogan next to Carlos, Jay climbed into the drivers seat and began to drive when Arrieta handed Carlos a bag of sweets

"Thanks twin" said Carlos

"You welcome" said Arrieta

Carlos began to eat as he offered Brogan some. Jay parked the car outside their house as everyone climbed out of the truck when Evie stumbled but Jay caught her

"Easy there Evie" said Jay

They entered their house to see every grownup sitting down talking except for Hook

"How was your night out?" asked Maleficent

"It was good" Mal answered

"We danced, we got drunk and we fought" replied Brogan

"Don't forget the singing" replied Evie

"Oh yeah we sang" shouted Arrieta "mum can we do this more often please?"

"Sure Arrie" said Cruella

"Yay" cheered Arrieta

"Where's my dad?" asked Brogan

"Your dad told us he has something to do upstairs" replied Evil queen

"Okay thanks" replied Brogan "I'm going to my bedroom to get change into my PJs"

"Okay" said Carlos "Arrie stop playing with your hair seriously it's white"

"I want my hair to be fully white" moaned Arrieta

"Your wish is my command" said Mal "turn Arrieta's hair fully white"

Arrieta's hair turned fully white as Evie showed her in her mirror as Arrieta screamed "omg I love it thank you Mal"

Brogan made her way upstairs as she entered her bedroom to see her dad in her bed with a woman kissing

"Dad" said Brogan

Hook sat up and looked at his daughter

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