Chapter 1

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Brogan and her dad was wondering the streets of New York when they were crossing the road but a car honked their horn at them. Hook carried on walking but Brogan went to the door and smashed the window open and opened the door and then grabbed the person, she took her sword out from her scabbard and pointed it at the person

"P-please D-Don-don't H-hu-hurt m-m-me" stammered person

"Hmm let me think about it" answered Brogan "nope sorry"

Brogan stabbed the guy in his gut and yanked out cleaning it with a cloth as she ran to catch up with her dad. They were waiting near the bus stop when a bright light came and swept them away, they landed on a dirty ground as Hook gets up and helps Brogan up who dusted her clothes

"Where the hell are we dad?" asked Brogan

"I don't know Brogan" replied Hook

They carried on walking through the busy streets as Brogan pulled people aside threatening them with her sword until one boy gave in

"You are on the lost island" explained Boy "it's where every villain go"

"Okay Brogan you go and search for some friends while I go and find a place to live" ordered Hook

"But dad" moaned Brogan

"No buts Brogan go" yelled Hook

Brogan left her dad searching everywhere for friends when she stopped a group of girls who were using their powers to rob sweets as she approach them holding her sword high

"Be my friend" commanded Brogan

"N-No" stammered girl

Brogan walked away. She kept asking people to be her friends but they wouldn't because they were too afraid of her until she bumped into a boy with white hair and freckles as she fell to the floor

"I am so sorry" apologised boy

The boy tries to help Brogan up but she swipes her leg making him fall as she gets up she points her sword at him "Who are you?"

"Carlos De Vil" answered Carlos "You?"

"Brogan Hook" answered Brogan "Now are you going to walk away or will I draw blood from you"

Suddenly, Brogan was attacked from behind as she fell to the floor but she leaped onto her feet and fought the three teenagers that attacked her as she grabbed hold of a boy with long hair holding her sword to his throat drawing blood as Carlos gets up and gets in the middle ushering for them to back down

"She not harmless" shouted Carlos

"Not harmless she pointed a sword at you Carlos" answered girl with blue hair

"Yeah she did but..." said Carlos

"And I'm the evil one here not her" answered Girl with pink

"Just listen guys she can fight she can hang out with us we can get to know" Carlos explained "My sister hangs around with us and she is annoying"

"Fine" replied girl with pink hair "she can join our gang only because she beat Jay"

Brogan let's go of Jay as she scans the group of teenagers when the girl with pink hair steps forward and held her arm out as Brogan shook it

"Mal" said Mal "this is Jay and Evie you already met Carlos, you can join our group the bad villains we rule this land because of our parents, you can come and meet our parents" she looks at Jay "Jay lead the way"

Jay walks in front as the others followed, Carlos walked with Brogan not taking her eyes of her one bit until they entered a building to five grownups

"Dad" said Brogan

"Hello Brogan this is Maleficent, Jafar, Evil queen and Crudella de Vi" explained Hook "this is my daughter Brogan"

"Oh my god you are the daughter of Hook" explained Evie "that is so cool"

A girl came running over as Carlos picks her up and spins her around

"I missed you Carl" shouted girl

"Brogan this is my little sister Arrieta but we call her Arrie for sure" explained Carlos

"Hi" said Brogan

"How about you go on your first mission you are new girl in town go the centre and spray paint your name in your favourite colour" explained Mal

"Yeah" said Jay

"I don't know where the centre is" answered Brogan

"Don't worry it says centre you can't miss it" replied Evie

"If you get lost just call me I answer" answered Carlos

"Okay thank you and can you pass me the green spray paint" replied Brogan

Jay threw the green spray paint over as Brogan leaped into the air and caught it. Brogan leaves and head to the centre as she found a wall and spray painted her name on it when a couple of lads came over with weapons

"Hey this is our street" said boy 2

"Not anymore this is my street" Brogan replied

The boys began to grab their weapons from their pockets as they attacked Brogan who dodged out and pulled her sword from her scabbard and fought back one boy sliced Brogan but she booted one boy, stabbed the other boy and knocked the other one out

"I'm the evil one" replied Brogan

"Yeah right" said boy 5

"When you see me in the street everyone starts running, they are afraid of what I'm going to do to them... I find funny as I watch them run away" sang Brogan "I'm not afraid of anyone not at all because I'm the evil one... I'm the evil one, evil one oh yeah the evil. Look at me and what do you see a pretty girl who looks so innocent but if you piss me off you would know that I will kick the living shit out of you because I'm the evil one, evil one.. oh yeah the evil no one messes with the evil no one.. because I'm the evil one baby"

Brogan just knocked the fifth boy out as she picks up her spray paint and took a photo and walked back to the building where she living when everyone ran over including the parents. Brogan shows them the picture

"Nice one" said Mal "you are evil"

"Yes I am" giggled Brogan

"So tomorrow we are going shopping" answered Mal "us six are going to have so much fun"

"Don't forget to bring me something back Mal" said Maleficent

"Yes mum" replied Mal

"Let's go to our room" said Evie

They showed Brogan to their room as she flung herself on the blue bed in the middle of Carlos and Jay as Mal sat on her bed next to Evie and Arrieta

"Shopping tomorrow I'm up for that" explained Arrieta

"We are taking a car and we are going to get to know Brogan more better" explained Mal

"Yay" cheered Arrieta

They went bed

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