Chapter 4

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The next morning, a police officer, Nelson Ramirez, came over to our house. He was a friend of my mothers who patrolled outside the wal-mart where she worked. He and my mom had dated for a while, but now they are just friends.

My mom always seemed to have him over when she thought I needed one of those " man to man" talks". Like I'm supposed to let this man be my dad or something just ' cause he has a badge. Every time he visited, all I did was mean mug his ass. Cause he always acted like he knew everything. He's one of those people who tells you what you think.

"You...okay, Marcus?" He asked

"Imelda....I mean, your mother says you might have something you want to tell me about."

"I don't got shit to tell you," I told him.

The cops were supposed to be investigating Lamar case. But I wasn't holding my breath for that. Kids are shot every day in the barrio, and I don't see police, like in the movies, always getting the bad guys. Especially not for people like mr who don't live in the suburbs and drive nice cars.

"Those boys you hanging with are gonna pull you down, Marcus. Especially Frankie. He may act like your friend, but he's no good."

"Why don't you worry about the dude who shot my brother and leave my homies out of it," I snapped back. "They ain't the problem."

He shook his head, sighed and walked away. then I heard him talking to my mom in living room. Little did I know how much their conversation would change my life.

"I can't lose him, Nelson," I heard her say. " It would kill me. He's everything to me."

I should have gone out and told her what she wanted go hear. "You're not going to lose me, ma." But I couldn't bring myself to it. I felt guilty, but I didn't care. it was like I was dead inside, like my heart had turned gray and rotten once Lamar passed away.

All I wanted was the blood of the person who shot my lil brother nothing else.

"WWe're moving, Marcus," my mother said a week later. I was about to leave with the whole posse when she told me. "I'M getting you out of here before I lose you." She was dying dishes in the kitchen sink, and u was standing at edge of the doorway.


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