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Harry then gets off of him and looks at Electro to ask, "Max, would you like to do the honor?"

Electro smirks at Harry before answering him. "Gladly."

He starts to charge his hands to make his next attack powerful enough to kill Spider-man. "Once I put you out of your misery, the world will remember the name Electro while Spider-man becomes nothing more than a nobody just like the old Max."

A weak Peter closes his eyes to see visions of Gwen, Uncle Ben, Aunt May, and his parents appear and quietly ask himself if becoming Spider-man again worth it if he couldn't save the people he loves?

"Think again sparky!" Yell someone that Peter didn't expect to see as the person throws a smoke bomb, blinding both Electro and Green Goblin, allowing her to pick up Peter and get him to safety.

"Felicia! You dare interfere?! furthermore, you on his side!?" Harry questions her out of anger seeing his former love/partner helping out his old friend."

"Correction, that's Black Cat to you, which means bad luck is coming your way, and base on what you did to me, you deserve the bad luck!" Felicia, now known as Black Cat, tells Harry as Peters gets up with a shocked look on his face behind his beat-up mask due to seeing a difference in appearance from Felicia. Her hair was now white, her eyes were green like a cat, and she was currently wearing a black battle suit. (Think TAS2 game)

"Felicia? What on earth happen to you!?" Peter questions her, feeling confuse.

"Ask questions later; right now we got these two maniacs to deal with," Felicia tells him while turning her attention back to Harry and Max.

"I remember you were going to be a part of our happy family, yet you stand with him." Electro mentions remember seeing her and Harry interact with each other during the planning period of bringing the six together.

"Sorry, Max, but cats prefer not to hang around things or people that have electricity in them." Felicia gets into a fighting stance readying her cyber claws.

"Then let's see if I can make sure that this next attack takes out the nine lives you supposedly have." Electro goes to attack her, only for Peter to launch at him.

"Sorry, sparky, but you still got me to deal with it." Peter and Electro crash into another section of their building, leaving Felicia and Harry alone.

"Looks like it's just you and me goblin boy. Now I can finally get the revenge that I been waiting so long to dish out." Felicia said in an angry tone.

Harry felt unamused being called goblin boy, for that would be something Peter would say about him. "I see you been hanging around Parker a bit too much. I don't understand Felicia; we had something special, you were there for me when my transformation occurs, and I give you your abilities, which I get in return? You know the opportunity for you to return on my side is still available. All you have to do is help me destroy Peter once and for all." He attempts to rub the side of her face, which results in Felicia moving away but not before scratching Harry's right cheek leaving visible marks from the attack.

"Get your facts straight, you twisted freak! Yes, I was by your side as your assistant to help you find a cure for your condition. Then you use me for your selfish sick plans by doing that cross-species experiment on me, turning me into a superweapon, to get payback on someone who you call a best friend. I should have realized what you had become after you began to treat me like a tool during our so call relationship, not to mention learning the real truth about what happened to Gwen Stacy, that the old Harry is far gone and all there's left is this Green Goblin persona." It took a lot for Felicia to keep the hurt emotions from rising as she finishes her story.

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