Roles switch

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything Marvel, D.C or anything I borrowed from other media

Roles switch p1: The Spider Thief and The Cat Hero

Felicia POV

This story takes place in an alternate universe where a young woman name Felicia Hardy, who is known as the hero to New York as Black Cat, who is currently out on patrol making sure that no bad guy was up to no good.

-Back story-

How she became the hero that she is today was thanks to her father, Walter Hardy "The Cat Burglar." After being captured by Kingpin (using her as a bargaining tool towards her father) and suffering accident that causes her to get exposed to one of the Kingpin's neo-genetic experiments that granted her cat-like ability, newfound strength. Not to mention letting her hair turn from white to blonde, Felicia's dad trains her everything that he knew before he got caught and sent to jail for his crimes. Felicia wanted to follow her father's footstep as a thief and at one point tried to bust him out of jail, but he stops her from doing it and tells her to become better than him and do good with her abilities. At that point, she decided to become the hero that she is now hoping to keep making her father proud of her.

-Back to the current story-

On her patrol tonight as she travels on top of the rooftops, Felicia stops to look around her surroundings and takes a moment to enjoy the peace. She looks up towards the mood with a smile thinking how far she has come as a hero, and how happy she was that the people of New York accepted her.

"What a beautiful night this is. At times like these, I would say it's worth being the good girl who helps and saves people, but then again tonight seems to peaceful that it's too good to believe. Like seriously, where are the criminals tonight?" She asks her self while looking around to find nothing unusual happening.

"Well maybe that all decided to respect that a woman has a test to get ready for tomorrow so I probably should head home before my bad luck powers don't kick in." She said as she shoots a cable cord to swing herself home. Just as she was leaving, at the corner of her eye, she saw someone in a black costume going to a jewelry store with a bag filled with money. Little did she know that tonight would be the night she will meet someone who she will change his life forever.

Peter POV

"Well, looks I just caught myself a big fish to fry. With this much money, I can afford to get aunt may's house redone. I guess it's true that crime pays at times." said the voice of a thief.

-Back story-

In this alternate universe, a young man named Peter Parker had a hard life, which took him on a different path than Felicia. He lost his parents at a very young age and later adopted by his Uncle Ben and Aunt May. Later on, he got bit by a radioactive spider during a school field trip that gave him Spider-like powers and like Felicia gave him super strength, but wasn't sure on what to do with them. One night he found out that his uncle was murder and in return, he nearly kills the person who was responsible for it but stops before he went too far. Due to his uncle's death, Peter finds out on his own that his Aunt May financially needed help, which causes him to use his new powers to steal money to make sure that his aunt won't ever have issues with bills, etc. At this point, Peter (who never got told with great power comes great responsibility) decides to go down the path that Felicia almost took and chose to be known as the Spider Thief.

-Back to the current story-

Peter had just got done stealing a lot of money from a local jewelry store without setting any alarms. He wasn't into watches or accessories like that, but more concern on making sure he had the money to help out his aunt.

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