Chapter 27: It Came From The Depths

Start from the beginning

"Sure did."
"Correct." We all said.

"Well you know what I meant!" Mikey said.
"I thought you meant monster." Raph said.
"Fine, I'll just take him back myself." Mikey tried pushing and pulling him but he wouldn't budge. "Um Donnie, you don't happen to have a fork lift, do ya?" Donnie just looked at him.
"No? Ok." He started pushing again as Leo sighed and pointed, telling us to help out as we dragged the mutant back to the lair.

"I can't believe we let him talk us into this." Raph groaned.
"Aww look at him." Mikey layed a teddy bear next to him. "He's so peaceful."
"That's because he's out cold." Leo stated as Donnie walked in with chains.
"Whoa, what are those for?" Mikey asked.
"We can't keep him here unless he's chained to something really big." Donnie said.
"That is so wrong! He's not gonna hurt us, we're the ones that saved him." Mikey said.
"See, he's perfectly calm. I bet the first thong he's gonna do is thank-" Mikey was cut off as the gator woke up roaring in Mikey's face as he ripped up the teddy bear. "Or maybe the second thing!" Mikey said nervously.

The gator kept roaring as it grabbed Donnie by the face and started shaking him around.

"GET HIM OFF ME! GET HIM OFF ME!" Donnie yelled.
"I'll help you, Donnie!" Mikey wrapped the chains around Donnie's back and started to pull.
"NOT LIKE THAT! NOT LIKE THAT!" Donnie yelled as we were flung to the wall.
But Leo electrocuted him with a ray gun and the gator fell unconscious.

"What is all this commotion?!" Father walked in.
"Sensei, Mikey made us bring a monster back to the lair and attacked us!" Raph explained.
"It needs our help!" Mikey stated.
"It's a dangerous monster!" Raph yelled.
"Raphael! There is no monster more dangerous than a lack of compassion." Father said until the gator growled in its unconscious state. "My mistake."
"We're doing to him what everyone does to us. Judging him by his looks." Mikey stated.
"And. The fact the he had me BY THE FACE, MIKEY!" Donnie said.
"But he's fighting the kraang master Splinter. It's like you always say, 'the enemy of my enemy is my bro'." Mikey said.
"That is not exactly what I said. But what's this about the kraang?" Father asked.

"They were trying to force to tell where they could find some power cell." I explained.
"And he refused to tell." Father said.
"Yeah, they were all 'zap zap zap'. And he was like 'ROAR NEVER'!" Mikey explained.
"You made a wise decision, Michelangelo". Father stated.
"HUH?! We all said.
"Did you really just say that?" I asked.
"Yes, I never thought I'd hear myself say that either." Father said and examine the gator. "His scars run deep, but they protect a genuine heart." He stated. "When he awakens, Michelangelo, you must find a way to befriend him."
"No problemo." Mikey gave a thumbs up.
"We need to learn what he knows about the kraang. In the mean time, you four try to find this power cell before the kraang can." Father said.
"But we're still chaining him up, right?" Donnie asked.
"Of course. I am compassionate, not insane." Father stated and we made our way into the sewers and we were looking around broken kraang parts.

"I bet this is the power cell." Raph said.
"Huh? Oh." Leo got excited until he realized Raph was holding an old can.
"Quit goofing around, Raph." Donnie said as Raph threw it in a pool of sewer water.
"Hold on a second. If an alligator wanted to hide something where would he put it?" Leo asked rhetorically.
"I'm thinking under water. Alligators love to drag their prey down to the bottom- WAH!"Raph pushed Donnie in the water.
"Thanks." Me and Leo said.
"No problem." Raph said as Donnie came back up to the surface.
"Hey, this pool is deeper than it looks. It keeps going." Donnie stated.
"Well I guess we- AH!" I pushed Leo in.
"Way ahead of you." I smirked and fist bumped Raph before we jumped in.

We came up to the surface in a different area as Raph shook the water off of him.

"Sometimes it's good to be a turtle." He said before a trap was set off and a stop sign came flying over his head as he ducked. "Sometimes it's good to be a short turtle." He stated as the place started to crumble and more traps were set off as we ran for lives until we came to stop, knowing we were now safe.

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