Chapter One

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(This is a SpiderSon/IronDad One-Shot. Peter is Tony and Pepper's biological son.)

It was a nice Saturday afternoon when Peter Stark decided to go out on patrol. He figured he wouldn't be gone that long, so he chose against letting his father, Tony Stark, and his mother, Pepper Stark, know that he was leaving. The truth is, everytime he left to go out on patrol, his parents made him sit down and gave him a talk about staying safe. He hated it. He wasn't stupid! He knew how to keep himself out of danger. He was Spider-Man for crying out loud! So, this time, he just wouldn't tell them. It would be fine. He would swing around the city once or twice, and then pop back into his room before they even realized he was gone.

Peter walked over to his closet and pulled out his Spidey suit. He smiled down at it before he stripped off his clothes that he was currently wearing, and stepped into the suit. He pulled his mask over his face and walked over to his window, opening it up, shooting his webs at the building across from the tower, swinging himself out of his room.


Peter had been gone all of 5 minutes when Karen suddenly spoke up, "Peter, your father is calling, should I answer?"

Peter sighed and rolled his eyes. Of course his dad was calling. He had barely even gotten 6 blocks away from the tower before his dad realized he was gone. Man, he should have just told his parents he was leaving. He was going to be in so much trouble now.

Peter started to tell Karen to answer when his Spidey senses started to tingle and he heard a scream erupt from an alleyway down the street. Peter quickly forgot about his dad and made his way to the scene.

He landed on a rooftop beside the alleyway to see what was going on before he actually dove head first into a fight.

He saw a young girl, maybe a year or two older than him, being held at gun-point by what Peter guessed to be a man, who was wearing a black ski mask.

Peter let out a relieved sigh. He had delt with this kind of thing all the time, so it should be a piece of cake...or so he thought.

Peter jumped down from the rooftop and landed silently right behind the masked man, scaring the woman, causing her to let out yet another scream. Lucky for Peter, the man just thought he scared the woman again, and didn't suspect that anyone else was there.

"Ha!" the man laughed at the girl, "pathetic."

Peter held a finger up to his mask where his lips would be to let the woman know not to let the man know of his presence. The woman looked at Peter in understanding, then turned her gaze back to the man holding the gun.

"I-I g-gave you m-my bag. It h-has all of m-my money and personal items in i-it...W-why won't you l-let me g-go?!" the woman exclaimed.

"Because that would just be too easy," the man said, smirking, "and boring. See, I like to have fun, and, for me, having fun means scaring the hell outta you, lady. Maybe even hurting you a little. Don't worry though, I wont touch your face, you're far too pretty for me to mess it up."

The man cocked the gun, aiming it at her left leg and went to pull the trigger, causing the woman to screech in fear.

"That's right," the man chuckled, "be afraid."

It was at that moment that Peter decided to take action. He shot his webs at the man's gun, bringing the gun back to himself before the man could shoot it.

The man jumped a little, spinning around in shock. As soon as the man turned around, the woman took her chance and ran for it.

Peter twirled the gun between his fingers, once making sure the gun was locked of course, and smirked under his mask, looking right at the man. "You know, stealing purses from girls and threatening their lives really doesn't look good on resumes, right?" Peter asked, throwing the gun backwards up onto the roof behind him so the man couldn't get to it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2020 ⏰

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