"He'll tire of you soon, just wait"

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Hey this is for @Claus_is_mine83 also I had to think up a huge thing for this so I hope it's good also GORE WARINING AND MAYBE SLIGHT SEXUAL CONTENT?

How do it come to this?
Ninten coughs in pain running as fast as he can creepy pig things chase him. Searching his pockets he trembles and falls pulling out his inhaler he uses it coughing in pain "Over here!" The voices soon reach the male struggling to sit up his vision fades and he soon sees black

Pork soldiers all surround the fallen boy picking him up and cuffing him and tying him up for extra measures. They throw him into a transportation thing and drive away. Upon arrival ninten awakens looking around he finds himself in a pig monsters arms being carried "Commander Sir we have caught the boy Ness, he has not tried to attack us however." A terrifying male approaches ninten and glares at him "this appears to the boy.... very well bring him to the king!" Ninten's head was swimming 'Ness? King? Commander, pig monsters that talk?!' Ninten looks back to the "commander." He looked quite scary he had narrowed eyes eye? One was covered by his helmet A big coat with white fluff, orange pants  a weird Chain, and some black boots, but what really scared him were his wide bat wings that looked sharp at some ends his robotic hand and his sharp teeth that were shaped into a scowl.

The wide doors open and a carpeted walk way leads up to a throne on the throne sat a creepy old man his eyes unable to be seen underneath his choppy bowl cut hair he shifts in his seat to sit up properly "Well what do we have here?" One of the pig monsters bowed "My lord we have retrieved the boy you have wanted, Ness!" The "King" get up and walks towards ninten examining him before scowling angrily "That's not Ness! You pork for brains!" Ninten trembles "T-then can I leave and never come back?" "King" glares at ninten "Ugh! He's no where close to ness!" Glaring at ninten the angry male snaps his fingers "Commander deal with him." The commander appears before ninten once more uncuffing him and untying him before clipping on a collar and lease "What shall I do with him my lord?" "I don't care. Just.... Get him out of my sight!" Commander nods and drags ninten away

Commander leads ninten into a room and unclips his lease "I have decided to spare you for my amusement so for now you are my property. if you try to leave however, I guarantee you I won't be kind." Ninten nods rubbing his wrists annoyed he waits for the commander to do something else and then tries to use 4th dimension slip failing miserably "huh?!" The commander turns to ninten "what did I just say?!" Flinching ninten turns away for the commander "uh.... I uh.... I don't want to be here!" Commander narrows his eyes and growls "You. have. no. say."  Ninten shakes and nods

Over time ninten had slowly gotten to know commander for one he decided to call him C for short
another thing is that he had ginger hair
he was actually around the same age as him

C enters the room sighing tiredly Ninten sits up and walks over to C "You uh okay?" C turns to ninten "No." Shifting lightly ninten turns "uh... why not?" "I am unsure I'm very empty I do not express emotions like you do and it frustrates me." "Why?" C snorts "must you ask so many questions?" Nodding ninten smiles slightly  "Yes I'm trying to help you.... in a way?" C nods "I suppose so..." C thinks for a moment "feeling empty hurts and feeling hurt frustrates me." Ninten nods "well I might have a solution... but your weird helmet might get in the way..." C stares at ninten "my helmet?..." he yanks off the helmet revealing his hair and eyes "o-oh...." Ninten flushes C was quite good looking  "maybe this is a bad idea...." C turns to ninten "Nonsense teach me the thing." Ninten flushes "o-okay but don't hurt me if you don't like it..." "I promise." With nervous shaky hands ninten grabs C's face pressing his lips to his. C' s eyes widen before closing them as he pushed ninten up against the wall kissing back wrapping his arms around ninten's waist. Needing air ninten pulls away "ack!" Coughing in pain he gets away from Claus and pulls out his inhaler using it. C looks in a haze before realizing his coughing "What is that?" "My inhaler it hel--- cough cough helps my breathe." "Can you not breathe?" "I can it's just hard to." ....... the unwelcome silence takes over and suddenly it's very awkward.
C then turns to ninten with an excited expression "Can we do that thing again?" Ninten laughs "you mean kissing? haha okay." C leads this time and kisses ninten once more.

About two more months have passed since the time C had learned all sorts of way to kiss luckily for ninten C hadn't learned anything too inappropriate although he has shown signs of curiosity of ninten's body he hasn't tried anything fortunately. 

C was out on his duties so when his door opened ninten was in confusion "C are you back?" An old creepy voice fills the room with dark laughter "Nope it's me your king King Porky." He walks it the room sitting on one of Commander's chairs "Ya know you could've left already." "I could've?" "Yeah it's not like he cares if you leave he'll get over it quick. You're not tied up are ya?.... No? Yeah that's what I thought get out of here kid. He'll tire of you soon, just wait" Ninten looks down unsure what to say "or don't your call but I'm gonna say this the more you humor him the less likely you'll ever be able to go home. When Commander tires of something he usually kills them." Porky leaves the room leaving ninten alone in his thoughts. Ninten sits for an hour before gathering his stuff and getting up walking out only to bump into C "Where are you going?" In shock ninten stares wide eyed at C "I .... I was looking for you!" C raises an eyebrow then narrows his eyes "are you lying to me?" "N-NO!" C stares at ninten "really?" "Y-e-yes... i really was looking for you..." Ninten looks down in fear. C sighs softly "I was afraid you were leaving me." "N-no! I would never!" C nods and picks up ninten "good I'd be very mad if I lost you." Ninten is carried of to the room where he loses his breath from too much kissing. 

A week passes after that Ninten attempts to leave once more this time much more successful unfortunately he had run into a pork soldier "ah! Let me go!" "No way you're bound to be fun to play with." Ninten is carried away once more tied up knives are thrown at him along with glass bottles the pork soldier uses him as well to put out cigarettes which burns him terribly not to mention he was touched in wrong ways terrible marks left on him "Aah!" Ninten screams in pain as the cigarette is put out on his thigh  "did ya hear the commander is searching for ya hahaha what a joke some commander he is worried about his little toy." Ninten shakes in pain unaware of the figure that entered the room 'he cares for me?' "Oh really you think I'm a joke?" Ninten turns in shock to where C stood. "Ss-C!" C turns to ninten and then growls seeing the burns and cuts and bruises." C grabs the man lifting of the ground "WHAT. DID. YOU. DO. TO. HIM?!" The man stares in shock "I didn't do it he was like that!" C looks at ninten "Oh really?! Ninten did he do this?" Ninten nods shaking in fear. C throws the man across the room before grabbing the knives that were typically thrown at ninten stabbing one each into his hand and legs "SO.... AM I A JOKE NOW?" "N-NO! Oh god it hurts...." C picks up a glass bottle and chucks it at the man pinned by knives hitting him straight in the head. The blood drips down C picks up two more knifes chucking them into the eyes of the now sobbing man bloodcurdeling screams are heard but C is still unsatisfied picking up a much thicker knife and chucks it straight into his chest where the heart would be.

Ninten had run away in fear running into miss marshmallow "Oh sweetie what is the matter?~" Ninten coughs in pain from running "I i..... oh god ...."
"Commander has lost it!" Screams are heard an explosive noise is heard "oh.~" miss marshmallow picks up ninten "I'll hide you. okay?" Ninten nods. MM and ninten arrive at what looks like a tea room she opens a cabinet and puts ninten it there. All ninten can see is dark but his hearing is on point now. A loud stomping is heard "WHERE IS HE?" "Where is who commander?~" "DON'T PLAY DUMB WHERE IS NINTEN!" "Oh him he left.~" "WHAT?!" "Oh yes you scared him off." Ninten coughs in pain suddenly in panic 'where is my inhaler?!' "OH REALLY?..." "Y-Yes....?~" suddenly footsteps are heard ninten shakes and covers his mouth silencing himself  "N-No-Now... commander no need to hurt me.~" A loud metal Smashing noise is heard shattering and then screams "N-No! NO! COMMANDER PLEASE!!" Smashing once more then shattering noises the teacups ninten assumed shattered on the floor suddenly it was silent the loud stomps are heard as if he was leaving Ninten let's out a sigh only to scream as the cabinet was ripped open "ah! C! " C grabs ninten and throws him over his shoulder harshly Ninten gasps in pain already having difficulty breathing  "c- C I can't cough cough bre---breathe!" Ninten is thrown into the room onto the bed harshly C ties ninten to the lease once more and growls ripping his collar to his shirt open more pinning him down sinking his sharp teeth into his neck blood seeping out "C plea-please!" He pulls away from ninten licking the blood and growls letting ninten use his inhaler before kissing ninten aggressively practically knocking ninten out as ninten sleeps however C lays next to ninten hugging him close kissing the back of his neck gently  "I'll never let you go ninten."

Anything finally done if you read this then bravo you survived my terrible writing! Anyways tomorrows my birthday so I wanted to get this out before then also the drawing is all mine if y'all like it the yay if you got ideas for other oneshots lemme know

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