"I can... miss," Alora blurts out.

  Maeve turns slowly towards Alora, barking angrily, before apologizing to me.

  "It's quite alright, I'm glad Lady Alora feels comfortable enough to share this with me, please do continue."

  "But miss, I'm n-no lady."

  I let out a small chuckle, "That's utter nonsense, any maid of mine is a Lady."

  "But miss, I'm only a simple maid, even my name is too high a title."

  My smile falls, and I walk towards Alora, picking up her hands.

  "That's enough from you, Alora. If I'm to stop calling you 'Lady', then I insist you call me Ebony."

  Alora looks up at me startled, her hands loosening in mine.

  "But, miss-"

  "Hush, it's Ebony now. Please continue with your story." I let go of Alora's hands and go sit down on one of the plush armchairs, surrounding an oak table with tea placed on its surface.

  "Please do come join me girls, I can't have you standing up all day."

  Maeve straightens her back before sitting to my right, Aianna following her example and taking the seat on my left. Leaving the chair right across from me for Alora.

  "Excuse me, miss-Ebony. May I sit across from you?"

  "Alora, I invited you. You don't have to ask."

  Alora slowly approaches the empty chair across from me, and carefully sits down. Brushing her wide skirts, before looking towards Aianna in support. Aianna nods, and Alora looks me in the eyes, taking a deep breath.

  "We were Lady Hazels maids before you, the three of us, but she always asked for me separately. To bring her sewing supplies every, other day. It wasn't until the third time when it happened... she-she-" Alora wipes a tear from her eye before continuing," She was sitting in the dark, and I placed her sewing materials in front of her as I had before, but instead of giving me leave to go, she beckoned me closer. I wasn't scared at the time, only surprised, none of the Ladies I'd ever served before had shown interest in me, this was a first. I was one step away from her when she... pushed me to the ground.

  "I was paralyzed, I couldn't move, she was-she was sitting on top of me, a crazy glint in her eyes. She leaned down to my ear and whispered, 'I love them when they're chubby.' I started to cry as she undid my bun, and reached towards the buttons of my uniform-"

  Alora forces down a chocked sob, and places her head in her hands, shaking. Aianna gets up and kneels in front of her, whispering comforting words. I couldn't believe it, that bitch, forcing herself on a delicate maid. Fortunately, I had the perfect plan in mind.


  I explained my plan to Maeve and Aianna, before sending a wind message to Madisón, I'd need her help for what was coming next. I head down to the training grounds, dressed in simple brown trousers, and a loose gray top. My hair in a tight bun on top of my head. I'd leave the dressing gowns for when the judges arrive.

  Madisón and Charlotte meet me in the entrance to the grounds. Charlotte wearing a mens blouse with no lace, and loose blue trousers, blue trousers. Madisón wearing basically nothing, which is a blouse with the laces almost completely undone, and tight fitted black leggings, with a tight ponytail.

  "Ebbbbyyy, I got your message. It's absolutely devious... I love it!! So, I was thinking the stable is perfect, I could get the hay in my hair and force the horses to whinny-"

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