At some point, they saw a Chihuahua on the path. Percy smirked and looked expectantly towards Annabeth.

"Look!" He cried like a child. Annabeth followed his eyesight and groaned.

"Absolutely not." She gave him a look that clearly looked like she wasn't joking. "Knowing you, you'd probably blow something up." And Percy simply laughed before putting an arm around her shoulder and guiding her away. As far from the little dog as possible.

By the end of the day, the chaperone teacher once again half-absently partnered them off for their room arrangements, Michael and Percy together and Julia and Annabeth together. All four of them piled into the boys' room to chat before lights out.

"Don't you want to hang out with your friends Percy?" Julia had asked. Percy looked confused.

"Aren't I doing that right now?" Again, Julia gave him another few points to his credit.

Percy sat on his bed, and Annabeth plopped down right beside him. As the night went on, Annabeth leaned into the dark haired boy, and he began to absentmindedly play with her hair. Hardly anyone noticed because of how normal it looked.

Soon enough, Annabeth had fallen asleep in Percy's arms, and Percy was nearly snoring on top of her. Julia smiled softly at the sight, and then turned to Michael.

"I'm gonna go to my room. Give Annabeth the spare key when she wakes up." He nodded sleepily as Julia carefully slipped out and into the hall.

That night, one other teenager would notice little blonde Annabeth sneaking out of Percy Jackson's room. Nobody believed it.

In the morning, before breakfast, Annabeth and Percy pretty much avoided eye contact, very adorably so, and when they were brought back to a monument for half an hour before the bus came, and ushered into the same groups as they were in the day before.

And then when both Annabeth and Percy disappeared to go to the bathroom, around the same time, not putting much effort into their thoughts, Michael and Julia shared knowing looks.

Looks like Annabeth's not so innocent after all.

In reality, Annabeth and Percy had both noticed the large black hell hound that was excited to interrupt their wonderful field trip, and decided they had to go and deal with it.

It was quite an easy kill, that left both demigods with glittery dust.

When they came back flustered, both Annabeth and Percy's hair a little messed up, whose to say what anybody thought. (it wasn't very PG to say the least).

And on the bus ride back, when they chose to sit with each other once again, as if they had been friends for years, and once again, fell fast asleep on the others shoulder. It truly was a beautiful trip.


As the days went on, Annabeth's friends only got more suspicious. Especially after the trip. Ever since that trip, Percy would say hi to Annabeth and her friends quite a bit, to Katy's distaste, and while they never actually 'hung out'. Rebecca heard all about the trip, and she too began to suspect a little more from her friend and the 'popular boy'.

After a long conversation with Percy, Annabeth and her boyfriend have decided to be a little more careful, and so there weren't any more occurrences.

"But Annabeth, they're figuring it out...let's just rip of the bandage." To which Annabeth would laugh.

"Not yet seaweed brain, not yet."

All of her encounters with Percy were rumours that went down the drain, old news if they were ever brought up. Katy still wasn't an angel to be around, but no-one was surprised. She found other people to make fun of.

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