Chapter 12 | The Final Battle

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As Nicoletta, Kiki and Taki sat down with Babette, Christella and Saraka, Dateotoko had an announcement, saying: "Since we've been doing very well with fighting witches, finding grief seeds and doing whatever with these things, once as we approach Walpurgisnacht, the one behind the witches, or conjurers I should say rather at the moment, I know we'll have that party as Babette had suggested.". "So, is there anything y'all like to bring to celebrate the occasion?" Babette asked as some said they would bring Barbecue Chips and Drinks. "I know we can do it like a team like we have been!" Taki said. "We'll serve that Walpurgisnacht for good!" Kiki added, sounding confident.
Nicoletta happened to walk over to the window as she notices that the sky turned from blue to white. "Uh.." Nicoletta began to say before she could call her friends. Her friends wondered what was going on as Babette had walked over, knowing that Walpurgisnacht could show up. "Alright, gang." Babette started to say. "I have a feeling that Walpurgisnacht is coming this way at this moment. So, get ready!" Babette added as Kiki, Taki, Christella and Saraka agreed as all began to transform into their Magical Girl forms.

Outside of Babette's House

As the six stepped outside of Babette's house, waiting for Walpurgisnacht to show up, they began to hope to God that they must defeat it. Finally, as Walpurgisnacht came out of nowhere, the girls stood in position as Babette yelled "Ready?! Fight!" and they began side by side to start their weapons.
First, Saraka grabbed her lance weapon out and began to attack Walpurgisnacht as she yelled to it: "Take this you damn dirty monster!" as she keeps at it while Christella started her sonic speed run with her sword, jumping up in the air to fight Walpurgisnacht as she uses her emerald sword to start fighting it off.
Babette and Kiki stood side by side as Kiki grabbed her heart wand out as Babette leaps up in the air, using her glove to punch Walpurgisnacht while Kiki moved her heart wand as she yells out "Chartreuse Heart Power!" as the chartreuse heart magic flies out of the wand, fighting off Walpurgisnacht.
While, with Nicoletta and Taki, Nicoletta grabbed her blue, giant hammer out and Taki grabbing her surge out as the two ran side by side as they jump in the air, attacking Walpurgisnacht.
Unfortunately, Walpurgisnacht happened to use its power to back all the Magical Girls away. As Nicoletta felt it, she felt like she couldn't move at all. "What's happening?!" Nicoletta panicked, wondering what's going on as she happens to notice Babette, Taki, Kiki, Christella and Saraka who also couldn't move as well. "I don't think we'll be able to get back up, cause of that strong-ass power that Walpurgisnacht had also used on.." Taki said. "I don't think we'll ever find a way to defeat it..." Kiki said, feeling in pain. "I believe we must do so, cause we don't wanna get screwed over this.." Babette had suggested as Christella and Saraka who felt that power and couldn't get back up.
Suddenly, Nicoletta's eyes began to shut, starting to pass out. As Babette witnessed it, she felt angrier at Walpurgisnacht. "Nobody hurts Nicoletta!" Babette angrily yelled out.

In Nicoletta's Dream

Nicoletta began to dream once again as she was starting to find herself in the middle of nowhere. "Nicoletta." "Nicoletta." The familiar voice said. As Nicoletta opened her eyes, figuring out who it was. It was Madoka Kaname from her dream. "M-Madoka.." Nicoletta began to say as Sayaka Miki, Mami Tomoe, Kyoko Sakura, Homura Akemi, Nagisa Momoe and Kyubey showed up as well. "W-What am I doing here...?" Nicoletta said. "We couldn't help but notice that you and your teammates were suddenly knocked out by Walpurgisnacht." Madoka replied as she lend her hand, only helping Nicoletta to get back up. As Nicoletta did get back up, thanks to Madoka and her friends, Madoka began to lend her powers to Nicoletta, only to help her to finish off Walpurgisnacht off for good.
"I wonder what was that." Nicoletta wondered as Madoka happened to tell Nicoletta that she gave her powers to her so she could finish Walpurgisnacht off.

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