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Chapter 14

Brinley POV

Brynn came running out of the room and straight into the sleeping corders.  "Brynn wait!" I yelled out for her. She kept running but I ran after her. I finally caught up and made her look at me.

"Did you know?" She asked her face was red. Tear stains on her face. "Did you know that I became inhuman." She asked and I kept quiet. "This isn't something you hide from someone! How long where you guys going to go without telling me." She said.

"Well most of our powers were activated immediately so when you didn't we thought that maybe if it doesn't happen then whats the harm in not saying anything." I reasoned.

"Yeah cause then when the room starts spinning and things in the room start levitating I won't freak out." She remarked.

"Look I know we all screwed up but just listen. Let Simmons run the test and we will all help you control your powers." I said

"I didn't want the stupid powers to begin with! I am a freak now." She yelled and I seen the plants started levating.

"Hey calm down. You aren't a freak you have a gift that shouldn't be taken lightly. If your not in control of your powers then small outburst as your doing now can trigger your powers," I said and she noticed things lifting and took deep breaths.

"I didn't ask for this I was doing perfectly fine in the lab with FitzSimmons working on your weapons." She said sliding against the wall covering her head. I followed right behind her.

"I was the same way when I had my powers activated." I said and she looked at me.

"You never talked about how you got your powers." She said basically her eyes asking to me to tell.

"Okay but afterwards go to Simmons and get your test okay." I said and she nodded. "My family had been put in the index but because we weren't hurting anyone they let us go. I hadn't had my powers yet so my thingy said unidentified. Then after SHIELD had been taken over they came for all the inhumans and my parents had a crystal for me and my siblings for emergency. I had been shot in the shoulder and there was no way I would have made it out alive. SO when my powers had been activated it was a nightmare. I was seeing things that weren't there and it was terrible. My parents to focused on me we ended up getting captured." I said and she looked at me.

"That must've been hard." She said

"Yeah when your the reason for everyone getting held captive and then they all die it kinda feels like its your fault. I always thought it was a curse or that I was some cosmic mistake since my brothers had the hang of everything when they first got theirs and I didn't." I said. "But when I was able to escape mom and dad really helped me with my powers. Meeting Mateo and Hunter helped too since they were always so positive about it. Moral of the story your not a freak. If you don't want to be in the field tell mom, dad and Coulson they will understand." I told her and we got up and she gave me a hug.

"Thanks." She said.

"Now go run your test then we will work on controlling your powers." I told her and she went to the medical wing.

"That was really sweet of you." Yoyo said.

"How long have you been there." I asked.

"Long enough." She said and ruffled my hair.

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