Chapter 28-Talk👄

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                 Maddie Greene's P.O.V

I started slowly for the stairs, feeling so sad and downcast. I never meant to ruin our outing.

"Are you sure you're fine?" Emily asked from a distance, she was standing there watching me with hands folded across her belly.

I stopped and sighed. Emily and I had gotten closer after our -not too recent - fight. I was able to talk to her, but not everything, especially not about the fact that I'm not her sister.

"I'm fine Em, just tired" I spared a small smile "need to rest. Goodnight".

" Goodnight". I heard her say as I continued up the stairs, and to my room. Once I locked the door I went straight for my bed. Not caring that I haven't showered.

All I feel is pain and shame. Cole is so mad at me.

"You know you should apologise".

I jumped up from the bed at the voice I know so well, usually don't get startled by anymore, but haven't heard it in a long time.

Also definitely wasn't expecting the voice at the moment.

With a hand to my chest I heaved a sigh, plopping down on the bed and glaring at Maddeline who took her usual position in the chair by the window.

" Maddeline. Quit doing that, its not proper!"

"The way it wasn't proper for you at the restaurant". She said with a brow risen.

When I didn't reply, she continued.

" Look Maddie, you made a mistake, but sulking won't solve anything. Moreover, you shouldn't have let him go home like that" she rose from the chair, and I had to take notice of her attire.

It was the exact one from the movie 'Mary Poppins'. At the part where Mary Poppins, Jack - or was it John - and the children had to go into that ceramic bowl. Yes the pink ball gown and the long hat.

I arched a brow "Why are you wearing that?".

She followed my eyes trail and smiled "Well I went of to England" her voice taking a British accent "And there was an occasion held for the Mary Poppins movie. I had to look in action" With a grin, she added "It was marvelous".

She clapped once, startling me a little " That aside, I'm here to talk about Cole and the incident".

I didn't want to talk about it before, but maybe I do now. I heaved a sigh again as I lay on the bed with my back, gazing at the ceiling, arms spread out at my side, and heart filled with sadness.    

"I acted wrongly...I wanted to stop, but I couldn't help it. Cole was just trying to calm me down, the waitress apologised a lot...but I didn't keep my yap shut! I just had to go on and mess up. I just wish I had stormed out or something, not stay there and talk nonsense". I shut my eyes for a second or two, then opened it " I don't know what next to do".

"Apologise" Maddie said from beside me.

I groaned "I know, but what if he doesn't pay any attention to me?".

Out of the corner of my eyes I could make out Maddeline lying down, in such a way that our heads were touching, but bodies apart, like someone starting the diagram of a square.

" You know Maddie, it really isn't your fault. After you came here, you were forced due to circumstance, to act right, which means you had to take in a lot of attitude that you're not used you took it out on a waitress today, and hopefully you'll learn to adjust".

Maddeline and I have never talked like this before.

"Soon you'll be a better you, but don't be scared to talk to Cole, he's hurt and angry".

I sighed " I know".

"Like really angry". She said again.

" I know".

"Like furious".

" Maddeline! I know".

Silence. Then we broke out laughing. Jeez, the girl was a pain in the ass.

"Just go for it" Maddeline continued "don't give up yet, and make sure you see him tomorrow. Asap".

" I will. I pray he doesn't ignore me or worse" my eyes widened "end the relationship. Maddie will hate me".

" He won't ".

Another sigh then " I just hope it goes well tomorrow. I want everything to work out fine".

"It will" Maddeline said soothingly.

Silence again.

"Hey Maddeline. I don't the way to his house".

There was no reply.

" Maddeline?" I looked up to where she was a few seconds ago, she was gone.

Oh Christ! If I could just wring her neck for going off like that.

Getting tucked in bed, ignoring taking a shower and going over our discussion in my head I couldn't help the little smile that crept on my face. So Maddeline wasn't so bad after all, the conversation with her had given me an assurance and seeped courage into me. Cole tomorrow. I'd think about his house later, I'll probably call Maddie.

I kept staring at the ceiling. When I drifted off to sleep..I had no idea.


'Keep my yap shut' A.m(also means) 'keep my mouth shut' just in case. So I'm back...and together we will complete this book, all I need is your support. Keep viewing👀, keep voting⭐, keep up the comments!!!📲 and keep sharing👄📱. Tell a friend to tell a friend, let them check this book out!
Thanks guys!!!👌😘


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