I hit the strip where all of the high end store's were located. Within two hour's I had spent well over three thousand green one's. I also collected a new handbag, a designer watch and some stylish duds. I  even splurged on a exquisite sapphire ring. Once in my car I slipped it onto my finger and giggled as the light made it sparkle. In a fake southern accent I gushed. "Oh, why thank you King. It's beautiful. You sure know how to make a girl feel special" .

Spinning off, my next spot was a spa where I treated myself to a deep tissue massage and had a mani and pedi. After that I splurged on a extravagant lobster meal at one of the most prestigious restaurants in all of Vegas . Having my belly full along with my shopping spree, I was ready to conk out. Soon as I returned home, I changed into my new satin gown and crawled into bed. In no time I was lost in sweet dreams.

Abruptly I was shaken awake by vicious pounding on my door. Adjusting my fuzzy eye's I glanced at my alarm clock. Two-twenty-two A.M glared back at me in blazing read. My first thought was that it was King returning drunk. Huffing from bed, I snagged my robe from off the back of my door and slid into it as I walked. All the while I was mumbling under my breath. "I'll kill him this time. Does he not believe that some people sleep. Ugh".

Without looking through the peep hole,I swung the door open ready to battle. However I was in for a surprise. Several officer's stood outside my door. "Are you Frankie Knight?" One of the officer's questioned.

If terror had a face it would've been mine at that exact moment. They addressed me by my real name so I knew this had to be serious. Hesitant, I answered. "Y-yes".

No sooner than the word stumbled from my lips the officer's emerged into my apartment and proceeded to handcuff me. "Wait. What is going on. Why am I being arrested?" I asked on the verge of tears.

" Miss. Knight, we have reason to believe that you have exchanged counterfeit money in several locations over the past two day's. As of now you are being brought in for questioning. ".

" What". I exclaimed. "That is simply not so. You must have me mistaken for someone else".

The officer's ignored my pleas and begin to read me my right's as I was ushered out in my fine night clothes. To add to my humiliation my neighbors as well as the apartment staff gawked at me being led away in cuffs. "It's all a misunderstanding. I've done nothing". I spoke with conviction trying to save face.

Once at headquarters I was shuffled into a small, grey room that housed a steel table and two folding metal chairs on each side. In front of me on the wall was a long rectangular two way mirror and I wondered who might be behind it. The room was chilly and smelled of stale coffee and paper. After some time the door opened and a tall, slender man stepped in. "Good morning Miss Knight. I'm detective Collins but you may call me Tevin. I need to ask some questions so we may get to the bottom of this". He added as he pulled the metal chair out to take a seat.

" before we begin would you like some coffee, perhaps water? "

I slowly shook my head no. "Okay then. So do you understand why you were arrested?"

" apparently you think I have counterfeit money but I do not".

Detective Collins gave me a sympathetic look. "Give me a moment Mrs. Knight".

Getting up to leave I couldn't help but wonder what was next. Moments later Collins rentered wheeling a t.v. In on a cart. Aiming the remote at the tube, he pushed a button. "Before we waste time playing the innocent role you should see this".

Glaring at the screen I saw myself at the same store's I had visited earlier making my purchases. "Is that not you Miss Knight?"

" Yes, but my money isn't fake". I insisted.

Collins flicked the television off and looked at me intently. "So your saying that you wasn't aware that the cash was counterfeit?"

" Exactly. I didn't know". I retorted.

Placing his forefinger on his chin, he leaned back. "Then tell me this... Who did you receive the cash from? Besides that's a lot of money to be carrying around and you made some hefty purchases".

Nervously I twirled my new aquired sapphire ring around my finger. My brain sped along trying to find a believable story to relay. I couldn't very well tell him how I came by that money. Not only would I be charged for having counterfeit cash but breaking and entering along with robbery. Due to nerves I couldn't think clearly or fast enough so I blurted the only plausible answer I could muster up. "Well I would assume that it was given to me through the bank or when I received money back during other purchases" .

A smirk lit Collins face. "You're lying and here's why. We ran the serial numbers on the bill's and this is the first time they have ever been circulated. Besides it took you too long to reply. Now, make this easier on yourself and tell us where you got the money from. Trust me, if you do you won't catch as much time as if you don't. In fact you may not catch any time at all".

Collins lost me when he said trust me. I knew he was trying to encourage me to talk but I'm sticking to my story. Jutting my chin out I spoke clearly. "I demand a lawyer before I say more".

I could tell this irritated him by the look on his face. "As you wish". He stated then called a officer in to escort me out.

Next I was drug through the degrading steps of being booked. I was given a grey smock in exchanged for my clothes and all of my jewelry was stripped from me. Finally I was fingerprinted and placed against a white backdrop for my mugshot. Eventually I was led to my cell that smelled of urine and every bacteria known to man. Cautiously I sat down on the cot as my bail ran through my mind. My bond was set at two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Geez Louise, I've heard of cold blooded killers getting a lesser bond. You would think that I snuffed someone.

I could supply my own bail money but I was scared to place that kind of cash right now. Naturally they would wonder how I attained so much money and my cover would be blown. One thing's for sure, I needed a lawyer and fast.

DOUBLE EDGED A Harper's Book. (Book 10)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang