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         Slowly opening her eyes, she winced at the bright light that flooded her vision, giving her a massive headache. Looking around, she wondered where she was.

         The room was small with bright, white walls and the blinding light seemed to come from all around. She was sitting on a comfy couch that extended from the wall. Looking down, she noticed she was wearing a very dirty brown dress and mud-caked sandals. Her hair felt grimy and greasy, while her skin was covered in dust.

         She was feeling very self-conscience and stood up so as to not get the couch dirty. As she was wondering who would own a room like this, a section of the wall opened up. Jerking around, she yelped in pain when a very bright light pierced her eyes. The light seemed to come from a tall man with wings. She knew that she had never seen someone like this before, but could tell he was an angel.

         The angel glided towards her and motioned for her to follow him. She complied and walked through a long white hallway that was more vivid than the room she was just in. They walked past hundreds of doors, some were quiet and some were loud. But as they neared the end of the hallway, an even more intense light flooded the corridor. She stopped cold and tried to escape the blinding light by shutting her eyes. It didn't work. The light penetrated her eye lids and even her hands. It was persistent.

         The angel grabbed her arm and pulled her into the light. She attempted to open her eyes, but the only thing she could see was a large book and two huge gates on either side.

         The gate on the right had intricate designs made of pearl and gold with a solid gold road leading past the gate into a grassy field and into a golden place that rose over a beautiful lake. Inside she saw her all her siblings playing together. There, under the trees, were her older siblings, the oldest was braiding Aea's hair. Tiamat realized they were happy.

         The gate on the left was black iron with smoke and sulfur floating out. The screams tugged at her heart. Tiamat heard the cries of nations, civilizations falling, and the hungry flames laughing at their victims.

         "Daughter." The loud and gentle voice from above called out. "Are you worthy to enter the Kingdom of Heaven." It was more of a statement than a question.

         Tiamat winced at the sudden vision of her life. All of the times she stole, laughed at others, and fought. She saw all of the times Delondra beat her and all the times the other servants bullied her. Tiamat saw all the faces of her siblings, her stories she told them, and all of the love. Seeing Aea learn to walk, teaching Iltani to read and Seluku to defend himself.

         "No." Tiamat knew she was not worthy and will never be. All of the good deeds in the world won't save her. Tears poured down her dirty cheeks and fell on her tattered dress. She remembered asking God to forgive her before the flood waters rose.

         "My child, I love you and I forgive you. I've washed you clean." That gentle voice of love and mercy removed her stains. Tiamat's dress turned white and her body was clean. Looking up, she saw the pearl gates open up. "Welcome home." Grinning wildly, Tiamat ran home.

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