DunKim- What are you trying to say, Dunc?

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"Hey Duncan, I got the buckets of lava for you!" Kim made a face. "Though I can't say I enjoyed it too much. The Nether's a pretty awful place, you know!" She laughed as she went down a floor, searching for Duncan.

Suddenly, she was stopped short in her tracks on the second level down. 


There was a huge hole in the floor, going down far enough that Kim couldn't quite see what was at the bottom, though something was reflecting the light deep in the depths of it. Oh well, Kim shrugged to herself, and she jumped to the bottom. 

"Duncan, where are you?" Curiously, Duncan wasn't responding, though Kim knew he could hear her. "Stop playing games Duncan!" Kim laughed, but she could feel a sense of evil pervading the area. 

"Ew!" She stepped in something squishy, and quickly went backwards to get away from the disgusting substance. But curiousity got the better of her, and she placed down a torch to see what it was.

Kim gagged, and a shiver went all the way down her spine when she realised what was laying in front of her.

"Duncan?" She said in a small voice, as the mutilated heap in front of her, however bloody and broken, was undoubtedly the man she came to love as Duncan. How did this happen to him? Kim clenched her hands into a fist, and pulled out her sword. Because the bastard who killed Duncan was going to have hell to pay! 


Kim whipped around, stunned at what she heard answered her. It couldn't be?

Duncan smiled, relief written across his face.

"Duncan!" Kim ran to him and hugged him as tightly as she possibly could, tears streaming down her face.

"It's okay, Kim, it's okay." Duncan seemed as shaken as Kim. 

"Who was that?" 

"I don't know Kim," Duncan raised his shoulders helplessly. "I was working on my nuclear missiles, when suddenly everything exploded around me and I ended up face to face with...me! I fought him, and won, but..." He had to stop, unable to continue telling his experience. 

"It's alright now Dunc, but I wonder why there was a clone of you?" Kim wondered, and she looked around the still dark room.

"I don't know! Like I said, I was working on some nuclear missiles!"

"Wait!" Kim shook her head, confused. "Nuclear missiles? You were working on something else, weren't you?"

Duncan paused, and tilted his head slightly, thinking. 

"Hm... I suppose he was. I guess you pay more attention than I at first gave you."

"Yeah! ... W-Wait, 'he'? What are you trying to say, Dunc?" Kim tried to laugh again, but the laugh lodged in her throat when she started to put the pieces together, and she started to back up a little.

"Ah ah ah..." Duncan(?) tsked, and brandished his weapon while slowly walking towards Kim with an evil smile. "'Dunc' is no longer with us. You see, I wasn't lying, but admittedly, it was Duncan who blew a hole in my ceiling!" 

"If you aren't Duncan, then w-who are you!?" Kim asked, trying to be as menacing and calm as possible.

"I'm Lalnable Lecter, and you are Kim Nanosounds. I know everything about you, your weaknesses, your strengths... your love." Faster than Kim could react, the tip of a very sharp blade was at her throat, slowly breaking the skin.

"D-Don't..." Kim said weakly, trying to move as little as possible.

"I'm not Duncan, don't you see?? I am his clone, brought to life by Lewis, or Xephos, as you call him. I escaped his lab, and I've been down here, slowly plotting revenge to all who have brought this upon me, but I have no sympathy for you, little Kim. Oh no, I'm going to kill you, and your last image will be of the man you love, slowly cutting your head off, and you will die knowing he died the same way, painfully, and wishing he had told you he loved you."


 So, hope you guys liked that! I might come back to the ending of this, maybe do a continuation, I don't know. But nonetheless, hope you enjoyed, leave feedback in the comments, and also ideas for ships! 

Oki, bai!


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