Chapter 11: The Toxicity Challenge

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Oozma Kappa walked into a sewer for where they had to go.

"Of all the sewers on campus, this one has got to be my favourite." Art commented.

"Art, you've been here before?" Terry asked.

"I have a life outside of the house, you know." Art answered.

"Sure you do.." (Y/n) grumbled.

"Welcome to your worst nightmare, the scare games!" Brock shouted.

They looked around to see monsters cheering in the dark.

"Yes! Yes! I love it! I love this energy! Okay. Okay, everybody." Brock cheered.

"Let's hear it for the frats and sororities competing in this years games...Jaws Theta Chi!" Claire announced.

"Pythan Nu Kappa!" Brock added.

C-"Slugma Slugma Kappa!"

B-"Roar Omega Roar!"

C-"Eta Hiss Hiss!" 

B-"And finally, Oozma Kappa...And Moth's Feral Scream!"

All the monsters cheered for each team except Oozma Kappa but all for MFS. The only one who did cheer for OK was Miss Squibbles.

"Yay! Whoo-hoo!" She cheered.

"Hi, mom!" Squishy waved.

"Smile!" Miss Squibbles instructed and took a picture of them...though from very far away.

Mike just sighed in embarrassment. 

"Let's begin the first competition, The Toxicity Challenge!" Brock announced.

"Human children, are toxic! And anything they touch, is toxic." Claire started.

"We don't have any humans toys but, thanks to MU's biology department, we found a close second." Brock explained as Claire pulled out a tool that held something in a metal box as Brock continued. "The stinging glowing urchin! Trust me when I say, you are not gonna want to touch this bad boy!"

"I want to touch it." Art insisted. 

"You're an idiot.." (Y/n) grumbled.

"And you certainly, don't want to touch any of its friends." Claire added.

Everyone looked inside the tunnel to see urchins literally all over the floor.

"Yeah, I want to touch them." Art decided.

"You're an even bigger idiot than I thought!" (Y/n) complained throwing his arms into the air.

"This is the starting line. The light at the end of the tunnel is the finish line." Brock informed.

"And whoever comes in last is eliminated from the games." Claire finished.

This worried Mike a little, as he considered the odds of them actually winning.

"Mike..." Squishy started.

Mike jumped then wondered. "What is it?"

"Does that mean if we lose, we're out?" Squishy asked.

"Don't worry, Smoothie." Mike assured.

"Squishy!" Squishy corrected.

"Squishy. We're not going to lose, because we have everything we need to win right here." Mike said, pointing at his chest. (BUT HE'S JUST AN EYE AND MOUTH WHERE IS HIS HEART HIS FOOT?!)

"Heart." Squishy guessed.

"No! Me. I'm gonna win the race for us." Mike exclaimed.

"All right, all right. That's very cute, but move, move, move. I'm going to win this." Sully insisted as he approached the starting line.

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