Chapter 1: Seeing The Campus

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The bus from Monstropolis pulled up to the bus for the MU campus.

"Monsters University! Anybody getting off?" The bus driver called.

Two people stood up. Mike And (Y/n). Mike grew a foot over the last 10 years while puberty...hit (Y/n) hard. Mike had a backpack some suit cases and his signature MU hat. While (Y/n) just had one suitcase and his hoodie as his red eyes were more menacing than innocent as Mike started speaking.

"Well, everyone, I don't mean to get emotional, but everything in mine and (Y/n)'s life have led to this moment. Let it not be just the beginning of our dreams but the beginning of all our dreams. Gladys, promise me you'll keep auditioning. Marie, Mr.Right is out there somewhere. Phil, keep using the ointment till that thing goes away. We wish you all the best. Thank you all so much!" Mike announced as he had his arms outstretched.

(Y/n) rolled his eyes as he sighed in irritation. "Mike, this is a bus. Not a press conference.." 

"(Y/n), they need to know how much we appreciate them." (Y/n) just hummed a response.

"I'm welling up in tears. Now, get off." The bus driver ordered. 

They get off and took their first steps on the campus. They looked around as other monsters were doing their own thing. They stopped as Mike brought out a checklist. "Okay! First thing on my list, get registered."

(Y/n)'s eye twitches in irritation. "Of course you made a list.." 

"Hey there, freshmen. I'm Jay the R.A, and I'm here to say that registration is thataway!" Oh (Y/n)'s favorite kind of people..rhyming and energetic...

"Okay, Jay." Mike responded while (Y/n) just nodded. 

"Have a great first day!" Jay added.

(Y/n) sighed as they got in line. "I hate this already..."

Mike looked up at his friend. "Oh cheer up (Y/n)!" He said enthusiastically. 

"Hey, I'm Kay! Here's your orientation packet!" She said to Mike.

"Thanks, Kay!" Mike responded.

"You can drop your bags off here and get your picture taken with Tray." Kay said.

Meanwhile (Y/n), 'enthusiastically', went through the same thing.

"Hey, I'm Ray! Here's your orientation packet!" Ray said.

(Y/n) took it from him. "Thanks.." He said quietly. 

"You can drop your bags off and have your picture taken with Trey!" Ray added.

"Say hooray!" Tray and Trey Said.

"Hooray!/Hooray..." They answered in unison but with different levels of enthusiasm.

They got their ID's and regrouped. Mike's looked like it only got his top half while (Y/n)'s looked like a tall black blur with glowing red eyes.

"I can't believe it.." Mike said slightly dull. "We're officially college students!" He shouted doing a complete 180.

(Y/n) only stared at his ID. "They can never get the eyes right..."

"Okay, everyone, I'm Fay, and I'll be giving you your orientation tour on this perfect day!" Fay remarked, leading a bunch of freshmen. 

They were first taken to the lab. "Here are the labs where students learn to design and build doors to the human world." Fay said.

They looked to see students carving closet doors. They then went to see an experimental room where a professor and student were in protective hazmat suits. "Looks like the professor is about to test a door!" Fay exclaimed. 

They looked to see the professor open the door to reveal a sleeping child. Then they cut through the cafeteria.

"The MU cafeteria serves a full buffet, three meals a day. I personally believe we have some of the best chefs in the world." Fay replied. One of the lunchroom workers grabbed a garbage can and dumped the garbage on the counter, making the monsters in the line grab away at it.

"The campus offers a wide variety of majors, but the crown jewel of MU is the scaring school." Fay finished. 

Mike and (Y/n) saw where their classes would be and smiled, (Y/n)'s being smaller than Mike's smile. "Just think, (Y/n). After we graduate, we'll be the greatest Scarers of all time." Mike said.

"Sure thing bud, honestly kind of nervous since my Auntie is the Head Master..." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well, i say we go see the clubs to start our journey of being Scarers." Mike said holding his fist out.

"You got that right." (Y/n) replied fist bumping Mike.

Boy were they in for the ride of their lives.

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