Chapter 10

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Tim is driving along the road and is nearly at the diner. However, he stops at a bank and makes a big withdraw of............NINE THOUSAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dollars. (DBZ reference, Sorry it was a must that I do that). He has seen that the school is aware that the money from the handicapped fund is missing. SO Tim being the good person he is has decided to pay the money back. He was planning on giving Blackwell a check for the handicapped fund as a Christmas gift, but after what happened last night, he thinks it would be a better idea if they got that gift sooner. SO after about ten minutes, the bank allows Tim to withdraw the money from his account. Since Tim's Family is very rich, this is not a problem for Tim. Once in his car he puts the money in the glove compartment and locks it up. (Can't be too careful) Soon after that Tim makes it to Two Whales and sees Chloe and Max. He parks his car and walks over to them.

(Note the three of them are across from the two whales, where that Bitchen 18 wheeler was in Episode three of the game)

Tim- Morning Girls.

Max/Chloe- Morning Tim/Morning Hypno T.

Tim- How are you both doing?

The girls explain what happened this morning. How they found information on Frank and Rachel on David's computer.

Tim-Damn, well that gives us a good place to start.

Max-Plus, I found out David was sort of spying on me and has some info on you.

Tim-What really?!

Chloe- Yeah, but nothing creepy, just he should keep an eye on you just in case.

Tim-Really David, I mean wow.

Max- yeah, wow is right.

Chloe- Well at least I will not need to worry about seeing him at my house for a while.

Tim-why do you say that?

Max-I sided with Chloe when they were arguing and brought up some stuff he did.

Chloe- To cut it short, mom kicked his Rambo ass out of the house and is going to a motel for a few days.

Tim- Well damn.

Chloe- Yeah, I still can't believe it myself, but I guess there is a God.

Max- OK Chloe, let's get down to business.

Tim-Sounds good to me.

The three across the road and head to Frank's RV.

Max- I can't believe you hung out with him.

Chloe- Not anymore.

Max- We have to be casual ninjas here...

Chloe tries the door; it is locked, and Pompidou begins barking from inside.

Tim- Of course, Why did I think it would not be that easy.

Chloe- Shitballs. Okay, here's the plan. I'll go to the diner and distract Frank by telling him I have his money, but he needs to come with me. Then you come in and rewind so Frank doesn't see me, then you can tell Frank he needs to check out his RV and then you rewind after you get the key, and... uh... and...

Tim- Chloe I think Max has this one covered.

Max- Correct, I will be right back.

Max walks towards the diner.

Chloe- Don't let my epic plan get in the way of yours.

As Max is in two whales getting the keys, Chloe sees Tim just looking out to the ocean. Chloe then decides to ask a question.

LIFE IS STRANGE MYSTERY AND ROMANCE CHLOE X Male Character StoryWhere stories live. Discover now