Chapter 31

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Chloe- Oh that was a great Dinner Kylie.

Kylie- Your Welcome Chloe. I know my cooking may not be as great as Joyce, but I hope that it's a good second.

Tim- Well, I say you're both very good cooks.

Douglas- Oh, I don't know I would have to say my Wife has slightly better cooking skills than Joyce. No offense Chloe.

Chloe- None taken.

Kylie- So Chloe, Tim says that you are returning to school in the spring.

Chloe- Yeah that is true. So that means me, Rachel, Max, and Tim will graduate at the same time.

Tim- Oh that will be so much fun.

Douglas- Well, I am very happy for you Chloe.

Chloe- Thank you.

Chloe than turns to Tim.

Chloe- So Tim, I was wondering, would you like to take me to the Halloween party that Blackwell is having?

Tim- Oh, Chloe I would love to.

Chloe- Thanks.

She and Tim than kiss. Chloe then asks them if she can stay the night, to which they all agree.

Douglas- You can have the guest room if you want.

Chloe- If all it's good, I'll sleep in Tim's bed.

Tim- I don't mind, it's big enough for two people.

Douglas- OK, but under one condition.

Tim-What's that?

Douglas- Don't do anything that would result in me becoming a grandpa.

Tim- Dad!!!!

Chloe- Hey, I don't think we are even there........yet. I mean we just started dating nearly a day ago.

Douglas- I know, just want to be sure.

Kylie- You can't blame us, we were young too.

A little Later Tim and Chloe are in his room. Tim's parents are fast asleep.


Tim- Yes honey?

Chloe- I know that my Dad would have.........sorry did adore you...........but.

Tim-But what?

Chloe- Do you think that your mom........your birth mom, would she have adored me?

Tim smiles at Chloe and hugs her.

Tim- She would have loved you.

Chloe- Really?

Tim- Yeah, she would have taken you out on shopping trips and would generally enjoy having another girl in the house to talk to.

Chloe-Thanks Tim.

With that, the two of them get into bed and fall asleep.


Chloe, Rachel, Steph, Max, and her boyfriend Warren are chilling in front of Blackwell.

Max- So Warren, What are we doing here?

Chloe- Yeah, Tim was very insistent that me, Rachel and Steph be here as well.

Steph- Oh I think I have an idea.

Rachel- Really, What is it?

Suddenly the group hears footsteps; they all look up to see Tim walking towards them. He then stops about five feet from them. That is when Warren stands up.

Warren- I have been waiting for you, Tim.

Tim just nods his head.

Warren- Today we settle this thing once and for all!

Tim-hmm, I take that to mean you want to DUEL, Warren.

Warren- Well, I didn't ask you to come here with your duel deck, only to ask you out for a dance.

Steph- I knew it.

Rachel- This should be fun to see.

Chloe and Max just smile and are looking forward to a very interesting Game.

The girls wish them luck, with Max and Chloe giving a kiss to their boyfriends. They go to the table where Tim beat Mike in the first chapter of Before the Romance. They set up the duel field and place their decks on the field.

Warren- so who goes first.

Tim- lets Rock, Paper, Scissors it.

Warren- Ok sounds fair.

Tim- Best of two.

First-round Tim Warren wins with Paper covering rock. The second round Tim wins with Rock breaking scissors. But Warren wins the third round with Scissors cutting paper.

Warren- OK Tim, Are you ready?

Tim- I am always ready Warren.

Tim/Warren- It's Time to Duel.

Tim (Looks to the reader) - Bet you thought that I forgot that there was going to be a Duel in this story right? Well wrong. Ha-ha.

Turn 1: Warren

Warren- I play Polymerization to fuse Elemental Hero Avian and Elemental Hero Burstinatrix so that I can fusion summon Elemental Hero Flame Wingman (2100/1200). I will place one Card facedown and end my turn.

Turn 2: Tim

Tim- Nicely Played Warren. I summon Mystical Elf" (800/2000) in Defense Position. Next, I will play the magic card Magical Dimension. By sacrificing my Elf, I can special Summon Dark Magician (2500/2100) in Attack Mode. Now thanks to the second effect of my magic card I get to destroy one monster on your side of the field. So goodbye Flame Wingman.

Warren- No.

Tim- Yes and now you're wide open for a direct attack. Go Dark magician attack him directly.

Warren- No I play my trap. Negate Attack to negate the attack and ends the battle phase.

Tim- Well played Warren. I will place two cards face down and call it a turn.

Turn 3: Warren

Warren- I summon Elemental Hero Bubbleman (800/1200) to the field in defense mode. Since I have no other cards on my side of the field, I get to draw two more cards. Then I will place three cards facedown and call it a turn.

Turn 4: Tim

Tim- OK, I summon Obnoxious Celtic Guardian" (1400/1200) in Attack mode. Next, I play the magic card Thousand Knives. Since I have a Dark Magician on the field, Thousand Knives lets me destroy one monster you control, so say goodbye to your Bubbleman.

Bubbleman gets destroyed.

Warren- Damn Tim, you're really packing heat.

Tim-Thanks man. Now Dark Magician attack him directly.

Warren- Not so fast. I play my Trap card. A Hero Emerges. Now normally you would have to pick a random card from my hand and if it's a monster card, I can Special Summon it. However, since there is only one card in my hand, there is only one card to pick. And luckily for me, it's a monster. So I special summon Elemental Hero Neos" (2500/2000) to the field in attack mode.

Tim-Sweet Move there Warren. I will end my turn.

Steph- That was a pretty cool move there on Warren's part.

Chloe- Dang, you know this game is actually pretty cool.

Max- Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.

Rachel- So........anyone want to guess on who is going to win this duel?

Steph- Right now, it looks like it can go either way. But the duel is still fresh, so anything can happen.

LIFE IS STRANGE MYSTERY AND ROMANCE CHLOE X Male Character StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora