Chapter 9

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The following Morning at the Price household. Our girls are chilling on Chloe's bed just talking about stuff.

Max- I love this morning light, it's so peaceful...

Chloe- Wouldn't it be wicked if we could just hang out here forever like when we were kids?

Max-Yes, but... sadly we're not kids anymore.

Chloe-At least you can date now, right? My dad was terrified of the day I would discover boys.

Max-So... you never really told me if you had a serious boyfriend while I was away...

Chloe-Not serious. Hella stupid, usually. I went through a "boy toy" phase. Among other things...

Max- I can't see you with any of the guys around here...

Chloe- Because you have a good eye.

Max- Although, I could see you being with Tim.

Chloe- And I can see you being

Max-Nice come back Price. Ha

Chloe- It's a gift ha.

Max- But no seriously, I could see you and Tim being a very cute couple.

Chloe- Well, thank you, Max.......I mean well he is a very kind, sweet and protective guy and he is..........well.....handsome.

Max-Aw that's cute.

Chloe-OK fine, Could I see myself Dating him yes. But..

Max- But what?

Chloe- But how do I know if he feels the same way about me. Or how do I know that he is not planning to get back with Juliet Watson.

Max- Well you will not know until you ask him.

Chloe pauses for a few minutes and then responds to max's statement.

Chloe- Once we find out what happened to Rachel than I can start thinking about that.

Max- Sounds Good Chloe.

The conversation then switches to Rachel Amber herself.

Max- So, I saw that Video of Tim hypnotizing Rachel last night before our information.

Chloe- Yeah, that was pretty funny. You should have seen Rachel's reaction to her seeing herself watching the video.

Chloe than recounts what Rachel remembered (Look back to "Before the Romance chapter 12 if you forgot)

Max- That was pretty funny when she thought she was a celebrity and Tim massaged her feet.

Chloe-Yeah, she has no memory of that at all.

Max- She did look very relaxed when Tim was massaging her feet.

Max says with a little bit of a giggle in her voice.

Chloe-Tim does give great foot massages, I have had one before. It was on Rachel's 19th birthday, but she was missing. Needless to say, that was a very hard day for me.

Chloe explains what happen that day (Look back to "Before the Romance chapter 19 for reference)

Chloe- Rachel had told me that when Tim gave her foot massages, she felt a bit better afterward. So at that point, I was so upset I decided I may as well give it a shot.

Max-So, what happened?

Chloe- Well, we were laying in his bed.

Max- Um, you mean you

LIFE IS STRANGE MYSTERY AND ROMANCE CHLOE X Male Character StoryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum