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Its sunday evening and am just sitting in my room and reading  novel with  a cup of coffee. Well perferct sunday for me.  Only few days are left for this campaign to get over and after that i would not have to see Rahul everyday.  Honestly,  my mood is really good and especially since i have mwt Simba nothing can spoil my mood. Its always been like this,  i remember i use to come all tired from office and The moment i use  to see Simba i started feeling better.  There were days when i use to finish work early just  to go play with Simba.  And meeting him after two years has changed nothing because even though Rahul never forgives me Simba would never care to get angry at me,  he still loves me. I was lost in my thoughts when i heard Jia shouting and entering my room.
"Why are you shouting? " "Rohan asked me out" and now we both are shouting.. Haha.  "Wow,  when is he taking you out ? And finally he listened to me and asker you out. " "Today and Harshu I'm so worried i don't know what to wear and he'll  be here in 2 hours am so scared" Jia started blabbering "Calm down,  breath" i said "Where is he taking you? Did he tell anything? " "No but he said wear something classy yet simple"
"What kind of combination is this? " "I don't know,  he's  an idiot. " "Okay, let me think " I Tried to think when we both looked at each other and said "My/ your Red dress"  then we started giggling "I can borrow it no? " Jia asked for which i replied with a wtf look
" Obviously you can,  go in my closet and get it.then go get change and come back I'll  do your makeup " i said and she went inside my closet.
I was reading only when something was banged in front of me, i looked up to see jia. Furious.
I looked down to see it was Rahul and I's picture  " who told you to dig into my cupboard? " " I didn't,  it fell down while i was taking out the dress" "Then you should have kept it back instead of going through it" i replied with anger
"I knew it,  i knew it since the start that there is something between you both.  The way he looks at you, the way you steal glances At him.  The way you reacted when he told us about his ex,  the way he was coughing when you did the same.  The way you react to when Alisha is around " she said and now i had my tears flowing down "Why didn't  you tell us? " she asked me very calmly  " Because it was nobody else's  matter" " I saw you leaving the van the day of your accident, what did he say that you met with an accident? " she asked me i said nothing because it was other way round " I'm  gonna kick that assholes butt for hurting you.  What does he think of himself? "
"He never hurt me. It was me who did it,  i left him behind and came to Mumbai to start over" I said while crying  " why? " Just then her phone rang and she disconnected  " Go get ready,  he'll  be coming here soon" i said avoiding the topic  " I'm going but it's  not over yet,  you gotta tell me everything " as soon as Jia left i started looking at the pictures and notes  which Rahul  wrote to me.

"If God asks me tomorrow to choose between my life or you. I'll  be choosing you because god dont know that you're my life. So the  jokes on him.. 😂"

I giggled reading it,  i remember how i use to get these notes in between anything and everything.  Sometime i use to find them in fridge sometimes in washroom, sometimes Simba delivered them sometimes i found them in between my notebooks.  At that time if someone would have asked me that I'll  be the reason we both will be this hurt i would have hurt that person badly but today when i see how wrecked we both are i feel like killing myself only.
Now even Jia knows who exactly is Rahul and i don't know what to tell her.  I never told anyone ever why i did what i did.?  And i guess  am still not ready for it.

It was 12:30 when Both Jia and Rohan came back.  They both were looking at me like they'll  eat me any now.  "What do you guys want? " i asked "We both are in relationship now" Rohan said softly which made me smile  and i hugged both of them "Yayayayayy finally " i said happily  " But when are you going to tell us the truth"
"I don't think you guys are in position to ask me about anything related to Rahul and i" i said and started walking towards my room
" Okay fine,  we wont.  But if youre getting hurt because of him then please stop it.  That's it" with that they both left for Guest room.

Only one 2 days are left for this campaign to get over, and I'm  confused. I wanted it to get over as soon as possible but now when it's  almost ending i want it continue for longer, and maybe that's why I'm thinking about it at 3am in the night.  Jia left a day ago after making sure that I'm  actually better now.  Rohan and Jia both tried to talk to me about Rahul but everytime i ignored them. They both are my really close friends but i need time before i actually talk about this to anyone.  I felt like calling Rahul and asking him to get simba to me but i don't have that right. So,  i stalked  simba on Instagram. Went through each and every post on his account before my eyes went to sleep.

It's almost afternoon and the campaign shoot is almost over,  chances are that it'll  get over by tomorrow only and i don't want that.  I want to look at Rahul  for as long as possible. These people are planning for packup party and till now every one is like they want to go on a trip or something,  but knowing Vashisth he's not gonna let that happen.  We already have other campaigns lined up and trip is not at all possible.  Vashisth finally spoke and i was right,  he clearly rejected the idea of trip and said he'll  give a grand party to everyone once the campaign gets the success we want it to. And with that everybody stood with broken hearts and went back to work. 
I see Rahul being all serious and delivering his lines,  i have always loved this quality of his.  He gives his hundred percent to everything he does. I remember him spending extra hours when he thought  his performance was not good in  any match, be it some international match or just some random practice match.  I'm looking at him lost in my thoughts when i heard  "I've  always told you to Take a picture it'll  last longer, but man you never listen to me" Rahul said  Rolling his eyes,  he caught me staring and and now I'm embarrassed plus blushing like a 14 year old teenager "I wasn't staring,  i was just examining your acting.  You need to work upon your dialogue delivery " I said trying to save myself  a lil from the embarrassment.  "As if I don't know you,  I have lived with you for a year Harshi i know when you're lying. " "Dont flatter yourself Rahul. Even you know you have always been a bad actor" "What ever makes you sleep in night " "Huh.. I should be the one saying this not you,  Remember when you had stolen all my chocolates and were acting like it was Bhavna?I caught you in no time"
"Yeah.  Because i felt guilty for eating  your favorites " "And remember when you lied and went to party instead of late night practices? That time also it took me just one look to know that you were lying " "Agreed, it was you who lied very easily. Maybe that's what made me believe that you love me" and suddenly the happy moments turned into unbearable moment, and then it hit me that  for a minute we talked like nothing wrong ever happened between us,  as if we're still the same very much in love couple.
And then i realized Rahul called me Harshi,  i loved hearing it from him.  He didn't let anyone else call me that not even my own sister.  We both kept looking at each other when we heard my name and we turned to see where it's coming from. It was Rohan he wanted both of us to come to Vashisth as Rahan needs to tell us something.

So,  we are in meeting room with Vashisth,  Jia,  Rohan,  mohit,  Rahul and i. And if you ask me to kill someone right now it'll  be most definitely Rohan sapra.  He called us here just to inform us INFORM us that I'm  hosting a house party for few people  at my house day after tomorrow.  This man didn't ask me he informed me, and that's  why i want to chop him off. And now I'm hosting a party, in which I'm  cooking.
Yeah,  that actually happened because of jia who told Thease  assholes that i cook really good biryani and now these three animals are after me to host a Biryani party specialy for these people and hence the party about which i was informed not asked.
"Okay fine.  I'm hosting it but I'm  taking the off that day.  So,  don't  you dare ask me why I'm not present on that day Vashisth. And if  you guys don't turn up at my home by 8pm and leave by 11pm  I'll  make sure to cook another biryani next day in which I'll  be putting your body pieces,  Thank you " I said in a breath, turned left the room.
When I heard this idea i was going to deny but Then i heard Rahul whisper to himself how much he missed it and then i didn't have the heart to deny.  The least i can do for him is to cook Biryani  for him.  I remember how He use to force me to make biryani  on his cheat days and then eat it like baby.  Bhavna use to tease him that his cheat days affect his whole weeks workout because he eats like a pig and that to lot of calories "
So, the biryani party is at my place in 2 days at 8pm.
You're welcome

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