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I'm at shoot location on time, actually before time. Shocking right? I couldn't sleep all night, i kept changing positions but sleep was nowhere to come. And then finally i gave up got ready and came here. If you ask me, my heart is beating so fast right now that i feel like it can come out any moment. And why wouldn't it? I'm going to face the person i left behind.

I was in my transe of thoughts only when i heard Rohan "Harshi?... " and that pissed the shit out of me, nobody is allowed to call me that. So, without even looking at him i snapped " Mann.. Rohan how many times do i have to tell you that you can't call me that.? " and then i looked up and saw that he wasn't alone he was with him, The only person who can call me by that. "Arre, i called you 5 times, when you didn't listen then only i called you by that name and see i was right, you actually heard" i didn't say anything except kept looking at Rahul.
"Btw i really want to know why we can't call you that ? i mean Harshita is such a lengthy name. Anyways, boss sent me here with Mr. Kl and asked me to tell you to breife him about the scene. So, you both can go in his vanity and where you can explain him without disturbance and after that you're supposed to do some creative work which he'll be telling you, so please meet him afterwards and hurry up. " he said in one breath and that made me look at him weirdly, well not only me but Rahul as well.
"Do you need an oxygen cylinder after that? " I asked him and what i heard next was something i missed alot, Rahul chuckled
"Ha Ha Ha, Very funny miss singh but your jokes are lame"
"I don't think so, it actually made someone laugh a little " i said looking at Rahul who just rolled his eyes

"okay okay, now get to the work" with that Rohan left and suddenly the air became awkward. I looked at him and indicated him to move to Vanity

It's been five minutes since we have entered this god damn Vanity and none of us has said anything, not a single word except he's looking at me like he'll literally eat me which made me clear my throat and then started speaking " So, Rahul..." "Mr KL " " sorry what? " " Its Mr KL for you" and that made me gulp, i felt a little pang of hurt in my heart but didn't let it show on my face
" Amm.. Okay then so Mr. Rahul. I mean Mr. Kl the ad is a series of 5 video's in which we'll be showing how BringSmile has been helping the others.. " i was cut in middle when Rahul banged the script on table and stood up
" Seriously? " He asked me, anger clearly evident in his voice with that he walked up to me only to be stopped as the vanity door opened. We both looked at the door as Vashisth enter the van
"Oh am sorry to disturb, but i just wanted to see how it's going. So, don't mind me. Harshita you continue " Saved by Vashisth i thought and spent 30 min in explaining Rahul about the first part of campaign and after that Rahul left for Shoot. "aahh god how will i survive next 15 days? Save me god. " with that even i left

At around 1:15 pm Vashisth called me in Rahul's vanity just for a casual talk.. Well only according to him. We were just talking only when Vashisth received a call and excused himself only to make me curse a lil louder "Dammit " and i closed my eyes. We sat there in complete silence when Rahul finally spoke " Are we really going to act as if we don't know each other? " he asked me and i looked up to see directly in his eyes and i saw something i never wished to see, Hate. He holds hatred in his eyes for me, i gulped down and tried to speak "Rahul-" my voice was soft and lost. I moved towards him " Rahul-" when someone entered the van which made me back away. "Rahul baby! It's lunch time i got it for both of us" i heard a voice and turned to see who it belonged to.
And saw super model Alisha Khanna in front of me. I looked at her questioningly followed by Rahul's Voice " There was no need for this baby" i looked back at Rahul, a weird feeling i got when Alisha moved to Rahul and kissed him on his cheeks and my whole world literally crumpled in front of me. I felt pain in my heart, i felt as if am lost. " Hey, Am Alisha. Rahul's Girlfriend " she said extending her hand i forced a smile on my face " Hi Alisha, am the creative head of the company. It was so nice to meet. I guess i should leave you both." with that i looked at Rahul " Enjoy your Lunch" and then i moved out of the van and closed it's gate behind me and took a rest on it as a tear fell from my eyes.

He has moved on, That's what i always wanted. But then why does it feel like someone just squeezed my heart.?
Why does it hurt so much?

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