Three Days In Heaven

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Person of View: Felix

Three days had passed since I got rolled into the emergency room at our local hospital.

Three days had passed without any information on what exactly happened to me.

The only thing I knew was, that I was over at Mary's place because we wanted to hang out again. Like in the 'old times'. Nothing bad about that, I thought. We weren't speaking for ages and now she suddenly tried to force herself back into my life, like she had some kind of revelation or something.

It happened as we were sitting on her bed, talking about the latest gossip related to everyday school life when I wanted to grab my glass of wine, I had left on the desk at the other side of the room.

Anyway. The last thing I remember is me standing up from the bed, taking three steps and falling to the ground like a firework that just had exploded in the sky.

And the rest is basically history. Apparently, Mary got me into the hospital and that's where I've been staying for the last days. To be honest I don't really know what I'm still doing here. I'm feeling perfectly fine and schoolwork doesn't finish itself.

So this morning I decided to talk to the nurse if I perhaps could leave the hospital in the afternoon and get back to my boring everyday life. Without giving any reason why she left me with a simple "no" and proceeded on cleaning up the now-empty bed on the other side of the room.

Until this very morning, a young girl, with curly blond hair in which a small daisy was woven, was lying in that bed. She always wore a yellow dress with sunflowers on it, perfectly matching her earring and bracelet.

I honestly, never asked her what her name was. I retrospect I regret my decision. I probably could have talked to her a lot more, if I knew her name. Instead, I got kind of embarrassed after a few hours of starting every conversation with "Hey, you." Also asking her for her name after two days of talks would have been kinda weird as well. So I just stuck with the "Hey, you." and other weird phrases, to get around having to ask for her name. I remember the nurse calling her once
but at that time I was too occupied with staring at my phone. So I missed my chance there.

Anyway. She's gone now. I'm a bit sad, to be honest. She seemed nice. We had some great conversations about why she thought that the single existence of broccoli was destroying our culture. Let me tell you. It was wild.

Now I'm all alone again. In this way to a bright room. Who even thought, that 3 Windows, approximately fifteen white lamps hanging from the wall in every possible angle and four walls that were as white as the clean teeth of some supermodel, would be a good idea? Needless to say, that waking up in the morning was like getting a needle slowly pushed into the center of your eye. Sounds great, right?

I don't remember exactly but I believe my parents visited me yesterday just to make some kind of inappropriate joke about why I ended up in the hospital. I don't really remember because I'm having some kind of liquid slowly dripping down a small tube, that's attached to my left arm. I was probably high or something.

Anyway, I definitely wasn't missing my parents. I moved out a year ago due to the fact, that I couldn't focus on literally anything with my three-year-old twin brothers running circles around me all day long. Don't get me wrong. I love my brothers. I really do. I just wish closing the door to my room would keep them away, so I could focus on studying and doing homework.

Good grades are very important to me because my biggest goal in life is to change something in the world.I don't care what. But at least something. And to do that you either have to become a smart doctor and cure cancer or stupidity OR get into politics. Since apparently, every other idiot out there has a shot at being president, I thought I might swell throw my hat into the ring and hope for the best. Because I want to study the law in a few years, my grades have to be on the top, so I even get a chance of being accepted at some kind of university.

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