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(Y/n) p.o.v~

It's been three days since Izuku was last was seen. Nobody knows were he might be no clues.....No nothing. My school days seemed like an eternity the class was happy and now it was dull without him. 'Where did he go.....' As I thought I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Bakugo with a stern expression " Hey you follow me". 'What's up with him he's been acting weird since Izuku dissapeared......... He's not yelling at other people or insulting them as he always does'.

As I followed Bakugo I heared someone yell my name. As turned around to see the person who called my name I felt a hand grab my mouth and pulled me somewhere. I tried to scream but my voice was muffled by the hand. As I struggled to find out how to get away from the unknown grasp my back hit a cold wall making me flinch.

"Don't get close to those bastards you're mine......now that HE is out of the picture.........you will be MINE!!!!!!! A raspy voice yelled. I really couldn't see the persons face because there wasn't much light.

I kept my eyes shut fearing for what is coming next ,but I heard nothing. I opened my eyes slowly looking around as I started to sob. The only thing I remembered was those intense crimson orbs.

After several minutes I decided to stand up and get my things at class.
As I entered I walked over my desk in search of my things I heard a voice "There're not here........". My heart almost jumped out of my ribcage I began to look around for the voice. I came across a yellow sleeping bag.
"Ummm...... What do you mean 'not here'?????? " I asked to the mysterious sleeping bag. "I know what you're looking for", said the voice as it turned around. "Who took my bag???? ,as a waited a couple a minutes he answered. "A boy took your stuff I was to busy trying to sleep to check who took............it..was" As the voice fainted and turned into snores. I came out of class to see if there was someone around to ask.

"Just great today was an eventful day" I shivered remembering what happened earlier.

'Now that I remember, What did he mean by 'that he is out of the picture?'




Another one done lol
Sorry for not uploading often
Plz don't kill me ;-;

 Don't you dare touch her!!! Bakugo(yandere)x reader Book 2Where stories live. Discover now