Although he was not overly shocked, laying hands on a woman, never mind a pregnant one, made his gut churn in disgust.

"Thanks to her personal maid servants and many friends, this information has been widely shared. While this alone has sown resentment, there is more. The Fire Lord is desperate to rebuild his air fleet and in so doing has nearly brought the entire empire to financial ruin. People are starving in the colonies and nearly there on the home islands. Lieutenant Jee believes that if we were to mount a coup now, we would have little resistance. Especially if it was led by the very much alive Prince Zuko."

Iroh paused again, seemingly done speaking, and looked expectantly at his nephew. Zuko's face was an impassive mask, but Sokka saw his quick glance to Katara and her slight nod before he stood.

"Fire Lord Ozai, in his mad race to bring the rest of the world under his control, is destroying my home. He has no regard for the lives of his people, those soldiers that fight his battles and regular citizens alike. These people, my people, are suffering and dying under his rule. More than that, the Earth Kingdom will suffer innumerable losses as well if he is allowed to complete his new air fleet." Taking a breath, Zuko looked down at Katara for a long moment before addressing the room again. "We have all lived in relative ease here behind the high walls of Ba Sing Se for the last year, enjoying the stalemate. I myself have never known such a time of peace as I have since returning to this city to live with my new family. Knowing now how my people are suffering because of my father, I can no longer keep living my happy life here. Not when my people will continue to suffer for my inaction. The time to return to war is upon us." He looked around the room, daring anyone to look away from his determined gaze.

Iroh spoke next.

"We have also just had word that the Fire Lady has recently given birth, a son he has named Sozin." Only because he had come to know Zuko so well could Sokka tell how much this news affected him. The slight crease around his good eye and the way his fingers twitched with the urge to clench betrayed the swell of no doubt confused emotion he felt at his uncle's words. "My brother's intentions could not be more clear. As Prince Zuko has said, the time to act is now. We must begin to plan our assault."

There was some general uproar as both doubt and ideas swirled around the tables. While everyone was united with their ultimate cause, some were not prepared to return to fighting again. Beside Sokka, his father murmured with Bato concerning their own numbers and thoughts. Sokka was surprised though at who rose to silence the room and speak next.

Katara tried twice to speak over the cacophony and gain everyone's attention. When few abandoned their own conversations at her request, Sokka watched her temper flare with trepidation. Nothing good ever came from that look. Suddenly she was bending. Dangerous looking shards of ice flew from her hip flask to impale the tables in front of everyone who hadn't noticed her. The room was silent as wide eyes found hers. Sokka shared the amused smirk his brother-in-law wore at her tactics.

"Now then." Having the room's attention at last, Katara straightened from her stance and rested her fingertips on the table in front of her. "When we arrive in the Fire Nation, we will need to ensure the loyalty of the military. As we have just learned there is enough resentment and discord already, it might not take much to set them off against Ozai. We need to ensure they know who we are and that they can trust us. They are angry about the treatment of the Fire Lady which they have taken personally, and they are angry because their families are being starved." Seeing that no one had moved to interrupt her, Katara turned to Iroh. "Do we know what Lieutenant Jee is telling them? Is it possible or advisable to have him spread information about a coup? Perhaps only that Zuko is alive? Or maybe just that you yourself are angry with them and plan to overthrow your brother?"

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