When Jennie realized Jisoo was crying, she moved to quickly kiss away her tears.

Jisoo clung to her shirt, taking in the scent of her girlfriend, so warm and familiar.

"That's...I...I can't believe I'm crying." Jisoo stammered, laughing messily into the crook of Jennie's neck.

Jennie chuckled softly, kissing Jisoo's hair. "Now you know how I feel."

She knew it was time. The day was perfect, Jisoo was busy, their morning was tender and loving...All she needed was to woman up and do it.

Jennie was going to propose to Jisoo, over dinner. She had it all planned out.


Jisoo was nervous.

While Jennie's presence had calmed her, it also struck panic into her heart. Not like it was Jennie's fault, or anything, but proposing was a daunting prospect.

Proposing to Jennie Rubyjane Kim, the love of her life?

Even more so.

Jennie had hopped into the shower, and that was when she'd shuffled into the kitchen, attracting the attention of every living creature in the room.

Fish bounded over to her, the young pitbull wagging his tail in joy as she rubbed his head. Not two seconds after she greeted him with a morning treat, a fluffy white cat leapt onto the counter.

"Hey, Goose." Jisoo rolled her eyes at the name. She remembered a distinct conversation with Jennie.

Why do we keep naming our animals after other animals?

It's tradition, Jisoo.

Why didn't we name the cat "dog" then?"

Well, that's just ridiculous.

And so the fluffy cat was named Goose, and they'd never looked back to ponder it, because Jisoo was sure she'd insist on a name change.

She'd even hounded Jennie, making her promise that their future children (the thought gave Jisoo butterflies) would have normal names.

Fish was bubbly, excitable and ever loyal. Goose, on the the other hand, was Jennie. Full of shit, arrogant, regal, and pretty damn cuddly.

Jennie loved them so much she actually paid an arm and a leg to travel with them. Jisoo rolled her eyes fondly at the thought.

"Hey guys." Jisoo whispered, patting Fish's head, while giving Goose a scratch. "Today's the big day."

Fish tilted his head curiously at her whispered words, while Goose stretched nonchalantly.

"Oh my god I'm confiding in animals." Jisoo heaved a sigh as she reached for her phone, moving to text Irene. She moved to turn on the coffee machine as she awaited a reply, her heart beating slightly erratically. This was just the beginning, her heart was in for a long day.

When her phone beeped, Goose jumped off the counter in shock, and Jisoo snickered, moving to reach for it.

Irene was in high spirits, it seemed:


Today's the big day!

Bogs and I are ready.

When should we come over?

Is Kim still home?

I think it'll be safe in an hour or so.

She's getting ready for work.

Okay. And what about the restaurant?

We're doing it at home.

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