Chapter 43

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Brooke's POV

Brooke's and Julian's house

Too fast one of the happiest days in my life had come to an end. And when Julian and I snuggled up in bed to spend our wedding night together in the evening, I wasn't only happy but exhausted too.

"Was that how you imagined it?" He asked softly.

I nodded and put my arm around him. "It was amazing and everyone was there to celebrate with us," I said with a smile. "And I think your parents are happy as well that we got married in a 'proper way', so to speak."

"Wasn't it too much for you?" He asked worriedly.

I shook my head. "I had time to rest in between. So it wasn't too strenuous," I reassured him. "It's just a pity we can't have a real wedding night now."

"We'll do some catching up on it later, okay?"

I nodded and snuggled closer to him. When he put his hand on my belly, I placed mine over his and closed my eyes. But the peace didn't last long when we suddenly heard crying from the twins' nursery. Groaning softly Julian rolled out of bed. "Stay, I'm going."

Smiling, I looked after him and curled up in my blanket. But again, the peace didn't last long when the door opened again a short time later and he entered the bedroom. His face was grave, and my heart started beating faster in fear. "What's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"Davis has a fever," he said curtly, reaching for his clothes. "I think it's better if I bring him to the hospital."

My stomach clenched. The word 'hospital' in connection with the twins caused panic even today. I threw back my blanket and jumped out of bed. "I'm coming with you!" I said determinedly.

"You had enough excitement for today," he decided. "I really want you to stay here and rest."

I knew he was worried about our unborn baby, but my son was ill. I couldn't just go to bed and pretend that everything was fine. Slowly I shook my head. "I'm coming with you," I repeated again. "He needs his mother now." I was glad he didn't contradict me anymore. But he probably knew that he couldn't convince me otherwise. I quickly got dressed and then went to the nursery. My heart was beating nervously when I saw my little son, who Sylvia was holding in her arms.

"He was miserable all day," she sighed. "I thought it was the excitement. But I checked his temperature again a few minutes ago, and it's really high."

"How high?" I asked worriedly, taking my crying baby in my arms and feeling his forehead. Startled, I stared at Julian as I pulled my hand away. "He's glowing!"

"I told you that his fever is very high," Sylvia said.

Terrified, I looked at her. "How long has he had such a high fever?" I asked her.

"In the beginning, he only had slightly elevated temperature," she said, looking at me embarrassed. "As I said, I thought it was the excitement or the teeth."

"And why didn't you say anything, or Haley? You've been taking care of him all day." I noticed that tears were running down my cheeks as Julian looked at me worriedly.

"Please, calm down, Brooke! We're going to the hospital now and they'll find out what is wrong with him." He looked at his mother. "You're watching Jude and Justin, okay?"

Sylvia nodded. "And you'll get in touch, if you know something, right?"

Julian nodded. "I'll call from the hospital," he promised.

Davis had stopped crying and had fallen asleep when we were in the car driving towards the hospital.

"Don't blame my mom," Julian interrupted the silence.

I looked at him in surprise. "I don't blame her. What makes you think that?"

"When you asked her how long he had the fever, it sounded like you didn't trust her." He cleared his throat. "If you are looking for someone you can blame, it's me, because I knew he had a fever."

"What?" I stared at him in disbelief. "You knew it?"

He nodded. "Haley came to me and said he had slightly elevated temperature. She had a thermometer with her and could check it."

"And why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I didn't want you to worry unnecessarily," he admitted after a moment's hesitation. "I also thought that a slightly elevated temperature would come from the excitement. I couldn't have known that things would turn worse."

I closed my eyes. "Stop doing this!" I said as calmly as possible, even though I wanted to yell at him.

"What do you mean?" He asked, frowning.

"Handle me with kid gloves and coddling me!" I put my hands on my belly. "The doctor just said that I should take it easy with walking around. He didn't say anything about keeping all the problems away from me. It can't be that you all sneak around me for the next few weeks and months and pretend it's none of my business!"


"No, Julian. Now you are listening to me!" I took a deep breath. "I'm capable of becoming aware by myself when something is getting too exhausting. I don't need anyone to ask me all the time, 'Are you all right?' or 'Are you in pain?' or 'Don't stress yourself'." I rolled my eyes. "I'm grateful for your help, but I will tell you in time when I'm not feeling well."

"Can I say something to it?"

"When I'm done," I said and continued. "It's outrageous that you keep important things from me just because you are afraid that I could lose the baby! You didn't even tell me that my son was ill!"

"That's not true," he retorted. "We told you."

"Yes, when it was too late," I countered sharply.

"We're there."

He totally ignored me as he took Davis out of the car seat and then headed for the emergency room. Fortunately, we didn't have to wait long for a doctor who then took our son to a treatment room and examined him thoroughly.

"He has an inflammation of the middle ear," the doctor said after completing the examination. "I'll prescribe fever suppositories and an antibiotic in juice form. Please give him 3 times daily for at least one week. With the suppositories, the fever will quickly drop. So don't worry."

He shook hands with us, handed the prescription and then left us with our son alone. I looked at Julian, who had tightly closed his lips. "I'm sorry," I said softly. "What I said may have been a bit... harsh."

"Don't worry. In the future, I won't ask you how you are feeling or tell you to rest. You know best what's best for you, right?"

As he lifted Davis from the exam table and then headed for the exit, I followed him slowly behind. "Julian..." I started, but he cut my sentence off with a brusque gesture.

"Let's get the medicine and then get out of here," he said curtly.

Our first argument as a newly re-married couple, I thought and followed him to the car a little later. Also on the way home Julian didn't speak a single word with me. Probably out of fear of saying something wrong. After I had given Davis a fever suppository and he had fallen asleep again, I went back to the bedroom. Julian was already in bed, lying on his side with his eyes closed. I quickly undressed, slipped next to him and put my arm around him. "I'm sorry," I whispered before closing my eyes and falling asleep almost instantly.

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