Chapter 9

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Brooke's POV

Clothes Over Bros Store

When Haley rushed into my shop, I just had time to put my drawing aside before she greeted me exuberantly.

"Hi, Brooke! I'm sorry to bother you at work, but there's something I need to tell you right now," she said excitedly.

"You could have called," I suggested, shrugging.

"Yes, I could have, but the matter is far too important. I just had to come here personally."

"Are Jamie and Nathan all right?" I asked alarmed as I noticed her nervously chewing on her lower lip.

"Yes, they're fine. Well, maybe it's better you take a seat?"

"Hales, what is it? You know you can tell me everything, right?"

She nodded. "Do you still remember your dream?" She asked hesitantly.

"What dream?" I asked, knowing exactly what dream she meant. But what did my dream of Julian have to do with her appearance?

"You know... you and Julian on the beach... how the two of you were kissing?"

I nodded. "Yes, I remember that. What about it?"

"It might be that this dream may come true soon."

"What?" I exclaimed, looking at her in disbelief. When she came up to me and then looked at me with a serious face, I became nervous.

"He's back, Brooke! Julian is in Tree Hill."

"What are you talking about?" I stammered as my heart began to race. That couldn't be! That was impossible!

"Peyton told me," Haley went on. "He was probably with her and Lucas to acquire the rights for the book. He calls himself now Julian Baker and is a film producer in Los Angeles. He would like to make a movie of 'An Unkindness of Ravens'."

"Lucas's autobiographical book?" I stammered as I felt my legs suddenly turn to jelly. Haley must have realized that I was about to topple over so she quickly shoved me over to a chair.

"Gosh, Brooke, if I'd known that this news would still have such an effect on you, I would have told you more gently. You're white, like the wall behind you!"

I pressed my hand to my wildly beating heart, gasping for breath. "I... I'm fine," I panted.

"Can I continue?"

I nodded and took a few deep breaths. "Yes, keep talking," I urged her as my pulse had returned to normal.

"Well, Lucas has agreed and now all they have to do is find a director. They want to shoot at the original locations, here in Tree Hill."

I just stared at her and tried again to recap what she had just told me. "So Julian is here to make a movie?" I repeated mechanically.

"Yes, he and his father want to produce this film together, as Peyton told me. He must have been very excited about the book." She grinned. "Maybe it's because you play a not insignificant role in this book."

My cheeks were burning with shame as I thought about what Lucas had written about me. And Julian had read everything! Groaning, I put my hands over my face. "That's a disaster, Hales!" I blurted out.

"Nonsense! You were 17. You just check guys out until you find the right one."

I glared at her outraged. "It's all very well for you to talk! You only had one, and you didn't jump through dozens of beds!"

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